Friday, 26 December 2008

The meaning of friendship

What is a friend? And who are our true friends?
Is it the people we see most days and spend most days with? (i.e collegues?)
Or is it people who we have a lot in common with and can have long interesting discussions (without falling out) with?
Or is it the ones who we can sit in total silence with for a whole evening and leave feeling we have had the most intresting chat ever?

I believe we have different friends for different times in our lives and we have different friend for different purposes.
When I was 21 I worked with a girl a year younger than me, we worked for a company selling newspaper prescriptions over the phone.
A job neither of us enjoyed but it paid ok and we didnt start work until 14.30 and finished 22.00 mon-thurs and we finished at 19.00 on a friday so life consisted of very late nights drinking coffee and talking and then sleeping til noon.

She was the most intresting person I had ever met.
She was brutally honest, hilariously funny and so street wise I envied her but also looked up to her in an almost adoringly fashion.
But the best thing with her was that she liked me!
She told me I was great and that I could do ANYTHING I wanted to as long as I worked hard for it.
It was beacause of her that I moved to England in the first place, well her and obviously a man....
She had lived and worked in the darkest part of London as a barmaid.
I was gonna do that too...
BUT as I said she was street wise, I wasnt.....
I filled in aplication forms and in the part where you write something about yourself I wrote:
"I am a happy and jolly girl from Sweden...." wonder nobody hired me......who would??

I managed to get a job as a nanny in a nice family and ended up staying on as their lodger for 6 years, they were obviously looking for a "jolly girl from sweden"

Unfortunately I lost touch with my friend, but found her again on facebook last year.
She is married and have a daughter and still looks just as fabulous as she did 10 years ago.
And Im sure she is just as hilariously funny and street wise as she was then.
She probably hasnt got a clue what she did for me and how she affected my life but to me she will always be the most intresting person I ever met.
And she was a friend I desperately needed at that point in my life.

I have decided to move back to Sweden, most of my dreams was brutally shattered early on in my journey which is fine I have had a million other experiences that were just as good if not better, but the question is...shal I call her?
Is it wise to hope that we could take up our friendship again 10 years later?
Or shal I keep her in my heart where she cant change?

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


I had 2 rather unsettling dreams last night.
In the first one my mum wanted to die and tried to kill herself.
I woke up crying which I dont think Ive ever done before......
I eventually went back to sleep and dreamt that i was viewing flats in Cliftonville.
For people who arent familiar with Cliftonville -you havent missed anything, its not a nice place and i would never want to live there.
But in my dream I was with him. Sort of.....
He wanted me to see these flats and decide if I wanted to live with him, but instead of coming with me he was down on the beach flying a kite.....

Now I dont believe in dreams coming true BUT I think that dreams is our minds way of processing what is going on in our lives and what goes round and round in our heads all day long...........

Unfortunately I didnt wake up with any clarity....
I still have the same doubts whizzing in my head.
I love him, I really do.
But I dont think he has grown up yet, I dont think he has finished playing....which I have..........
He can never be the strong man I can rely on to be there for me 100%
I always feel anxious that he will let me down one way or the other.

So...whats the point...Really?

Monday, 8 December 2008

Is it bad to just be ordinary?

When I was in my early 20's the last thing i wanted was to be like everyone else.
I wanted people to admire me, to look at me and think I was vastly exciting and intresting.

I have become somewhat addicted to an old school friends blog, and she really seem to have lived that exciting life I wanted to do.
She seems to have had many lovers (she doesnt say this but if you read between the lines...she has...haha)
So does that mean she is sexually free, intresting and exciting?
Or is she just a bit of a slut?

She is now married with 2 children and seems blissfully happy.
It makes me feel like Ive missed the train in a way.
Most of my friends are settled, if not married they are living with their long term boyfriend and if they havent already got children they are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
And here I am, single again....and not enjoying it as much as I did before.

Anyway back to my friend
Can i still call her that? Not sure if I can even call her an aquaintance......
In her blog she describes a lot of seedy clubs (her words not mine) she used to go to when she was travelling around the world.
She describes the men (and women) she met and had "brief encounters" with.

There is a part of me that is insanely jealous and thinks "That was the life I was supposed to have!"

But then I stop and think.....
If I ever had ended up in a seedy club in a far away country I would probably feel utterly lost and scared...
I would pray that i would get out of there with my dignity still intact.
Im just not a very exciting person, well maybe there is someone out there who thinks I have lived an exciting life (most likely to be my mother....)

And then I feel, thats ok
I dont have to have slept with 100's of men (and women?) and danced the night away in a club thick with cigar smoke
Neither do I need to obey my inner lesbian (not sure if I actually have one...) to be able to say
"I have lived a full life"
because I slowly realise that what gives me meaning and things that makes me happy are the little things, and i mean little things
Like a smile from a friend (or a handsome man in the queue in Tesco), waking up on a sunny saturday and realise I dont have to go in to work,
or you answering the phone when i call........

Friday, 5 December 2008

Oh god please no.....

Nam was cooking something earlier tonight, she is a fantastic cook and normally Im down in the kitchen, tasting her aromatic eastern dishes and having a chat about the day we have had.
Not tonight.
I was in the bathroom with my head in the toilet....

I mean, it could be because im so unbelievably tired, dont think Ive recovered from the flu I had last week....
But....does tiredness get affected by garlic?

Well Im going to sleep now, and hoping to wake up refreshed, rested and in a good spirit.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

decision time

So, Ive had a week off with the flu, high fever and a lot of snot.
Me and my dad had a little mth session over the phone where we came to the conclusion that I have used 246 packets of tissues.
Is that even possible?
In one week/
Math is not my strenght but it is my dads....and I wouldnt be the one telling him that he is wrong.....
Im back at work but to be honest I could probably do with a couple of more days in bed, but Ive had my week off, now its someone elses turn.......

So time to make a decision.....Ive said this for 8 years now.....
And everytime Ive put it on the backburner and thought "Ill think about it another time"

But I think I now really need to close some chapters in my life
And start others
Im not so sure that I should leave my future in the hands of fate anymore
Think she has had the chance for a bit too long now haha

What to do?
Should I stay?
Or should I go?



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