Wednesday, 11 March 2009


I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee at 10 am today.
10 o'clock is a bit early for me to be up, showered and ready on my day off ..but since I haven't seen her for nearly 2 years I made an exemption...

And she STOOD ME UP!!!
I send her a txt and I called her, but got no reply.
I am not impressed to say the least.
I wont think too many bad thoughts, if something has happened I will feel extremely guilty..

So instead I spent some time window shopping, looking for an outfit for my party, and i found nothing!
I want something glamorous, sparkling and flattering.
But there seems to be some sort of cowboy trend going on.
I'm not impressed with that either.
So I bought a new mascara instead.

And drove home, to relax and wind down.
Maybe I will get some more sleep?

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