I have had a really great weekend. Where it has left a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart and tummy. As I finished work on Friday I went on a hunt for a "pine tree garland" to put up on my backdoor. I bought some other christmassy bits and pieces and once home I set out to finish off the last of my decorating frenzy.
I had a lovely night in on my own, watching "Idol" and listening to christmas carols. Yesterday me and Sofie drove out to Mia's house, she lives in the middle of nowhere so it is always a bit of a mission to get there but we always have a great time catching up and drinking tea and coffees. Yesterday we also made gingerbread bisquits, but I have to admit I ate more dough than I made into little "gingerbreadmen".
My parents went on their annual christmas trip to Germany last night, there is a nice christmas market in Rostock and they stock up on alcohol and other necessities for christmas. So I am taking advantage of their big flatscreen tv and comfy bed for 3 days.
Jeanette came over for dinner and girlie gossip, we ate chicken wrapped in bacon and salad, with some chunky bread with, which, if I may say so myself, was delicious.
There is nothing like a good gossip session, between two girlfriends, it makes you feel almost new again. And if it is accompanied by some wine it is even better.
She stayed the night and got a well deserved lie-in since her youngest son is in the frame of mind at the moment where he will wake up at 04.30 every morning, this morning his father had to take care of him.
It was the last class of my writing course today, I had actually planned to stay at home and just be lazy, since to be honest I dont feel I have gotten that much out of the course as I wanted to. I dont feel comfortable enough to tell people that their writing reminds me of the essays I wrote when I was fifteen, no depth or actual content in the texts. I dont feel I have the right to critisise someone, it is not like I am Stephen King, Virginia Woolf or J.K Rowling myself....
Anyway, Jeanette persuaded me to go, since it was the last time and I would feel better after getting out of the house for a few hours.
And she was right, when we had finished I wandered up into town to look at all the decorations in the shop windows and listen to the carol singers. I walked along the high street and felt alight with christmas spirit.
As I came closer to my parents house I realised there was a christmas market in the little square just outside the house so I had a little look around, sniffing the saffron buns and mulled wine. Lovely.
I had a little nap in the afternoon and have just finished watching "Home alone", so I am definately maxed out in the christmas department now, in a good way that is.
I will now have a shower and then go to bed, an early night is just what I need.
Christmas song of the day. Another one of my favourites
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Oh the madness...
Today I met the most annoying person in the world. Again! MYSELF. I realise I am a really annoying human being! On my way to a friend for coffee and a catch up I took the wrong turn to go into the carpark. Which meant I had to drive all around the block to get back on track..You might think I am working myself up over nothing (annoyingly) but it was 5.00pm (rush hour) and it took me almost half an hour to get back to where I wanted to be.
I am not a very calm and patient driver and all the while taildriving in an extremely slow pace I was cursing everyone else who couldnt hurry the bloody up and let me through. Then it hit me. It was my own sodding fault. I took the wrong exit. Not the other people on the road. And I very loudly said "My hair! My bloody needy hair" I wondered if I would have felt any better if I had a thick marker pen I could inhale.
It made me feel a little bit better, but I realised that anyone watching me would think I was a complete nutjob. Hopefully everyone was too busy thinking about themselves than to watch me having a rant at myself in my car...
After a lovely gossip with my friend I drove home calmly, at 7.00pm there was not as many cars on the roads anymore. I had dinner then started the big Christmas Explosion. Only to realise I have lost or got rid of a whole lot of decorations. The wreaths and lights are nowhere to be seen.
I am listening to my Christmas playlist on spotify and I feel a bit sad. The past four christmases I have one way or the other spent with Him. And here I am, putting up the decorations we bought together, without Him. It sucks a bit I have to say.
Madness I tell you.
I hope the peace and calm will settle in my heart soon.
I am heading for the shower now, and leaving you with one of my favourite christmas songs. I couldnt possibly choose one or even two...there are so many.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Tell me why I dont like Mondays
So this is monday. I have felt very strange, restless and worried all day. Almost on the verge of a panic attack. I came in to work my three hours this afternoon and arrived in the middle of a bitch session. Staff slating one of the children, saying "I just cant cope with her, You have to sort her out, You are her keyworker" I felt my blood starting to boil and slammed my hands in the table and roarde like a lioness "JUST GET ON WITH IT, IT IS YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!!!" which scared one the girls so much she started to cry. I had to apologise (especially since I am "only" the temp..) I obviously didnt mean to make her cry, but it just made me even more annoyed with the little whimp.At the end of the day, we work with children with challenging behaviours, it is our job and our responsibility to care for them and teach them the best we can whilst they are at school!
When the children went home, I drove to the gym and worked out for just over an hour. It felt wonderful to rid all of that built up tension and stress. To work my body until I ached. Once home I had a hot hot shower, easing my sore muscles and making myself feel relaxed and calm. All the stress has just run down the drain with the soap and shampoo. I reheated some leftovers which was still delicious. And now I am watching some trashy tv, my favourite past times. I will soon head off to bed with my book. Nothing new and exciting in the life of Mia today Im afraid.
When the children went home, I drove to the gym and worked out for just over an hour. It felt wonderful to rid all of that built up tension and stress. To work my body until I ached. Once home I had a hot hot shower, easing my sore muscles and making myself feel relaxed and calm. All the stress has just run down the drain with the soap and shampoo. I reheated some leftovers which was still delicious. And now I am watching some trashy tv, my favourite past times. I will soon head off to bed with my book. Nothing new and exciting in the life of Mia today Im afraid.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Rainy Sunday.....part 2
Ahhh, it is 11.20pm and in forty minutes this Sunday, which turned out great, is over. As I was cursing over my maths, I recieved a very welcome phonecall from the lovely C, who had read my early blogpost. Since she was in a similar situation like me, studying, she suggested we meet up for dinner tonight.
After that I finished maths, wrote my CV, started on my English essay and even managed some tidying up.
I had another lovely surprise before lunchtime, a phonecall from Betty!!!
How great it was to talk to her, we have been saying for a few weeks now that we will talk on Skype, but somehow we just never get round to it. So getting to talk to her on the phone was fab! I miss her. Really hope I can go and visit her soon.
Anyway, I had a shower and then caught the bus to C for a delicious dinner of chicken, salad and little potatoes. YUM. We laughed and talked about life, love and lusts. A perfect Sunday night with a wonderful friend in other words.
Oh and look at the time, it is now officially midnight and Monday morning.
Have a great week all. I will leave you with David Guetta and Akon and a song I heard on the radio on my way to C earlier tonight which made me smile a little.
After that I finished maths, wrote my CV, started on my English essay and even managed some tidying up.
I had another lovely surprise before lunchtime, a phonecall from Betty!!!
How great it was to talk to her, we have been saying for a few weeks now that we will talk on Skype, but somehow we just never get round to it. So getting to talk to her on the phone was fab! I miss her. Really hope I can go and visit her soon.
Anyway, I had a shower and then caught the bus to C for a delicious dinner of chicken, salad and little potatoes. YUM. We laughed and talked about life, love and lusts. A perfect Sunday night with a wonderful friend in other words.
Oh and look at the time, it is now officially midnight and Monday morning.
Have a great week all. I will leave you with David Guetta and Akon and a song I heard on the radio on my way to C earlier tonight which made me smile a little.
Rainy Sunday

It is now sunday morning, the weekend is nearly over, and I'm feeling restless, maybe even a little bit stressed. I think I felt it even before I woke up actually.
I have lots of things I should do, *Write my CV
*Email the maths to my teacher
*At least start my English essay
*Do some more cleaning, so the flat is ready for
"the christmas explosion"
The last thing I want to do is spend the whole day infront of the computer. I think I want to go for a walk, but it is raining, so it is the perfect day for a cosy day with a dvd. But I dont really fancy that either which is strange, as I have told you before, I am a selfconfessed TV whore and love rainy days when I dont have to feel guilty for staying indoors.
I miss people who are no longer in my life on a daily basis. I can't call on them and say "Hey, shal we wonder down the seafront and have a coffee?"
I was browsing through my facebook friends earlier and found new photos of a girl I used to work with. A long time ago. She looks to be having a great time, I wonder what she does now? We used to get on really well, but something happened and we drifted apart and now I feel concious writing to her, she will probably just ignore me.
I think I will go for that walk now. In the rain. Then I can have a hot shower and get on with my work and hopefully feel better tonight.
Have a great sunday all. I might let you know how the day panned out a bit later.
Friday, 20 November 2009
The brightest star in the sky

As you probably know by now I love to read. I'd like to say that my favourite type of books are old, hardbacked, inbound, preferably dusty works by Charles Dickens, Mark Twain or some other "classic". But no, I will confess that I am more shallow than that...I love a paperback, with a colourful cover and maybe even a little bit of glitter carefully sprinkled at places.
My book at the moment is "The brightest star in the sky" by Marian Keyes. She writes excellent fiction, some of her other novels are: "Lucy Sullivan is getting married" "Watermelon" and "Last chance saloon".
I wont talk very much about what the book is all about, you have to read it yourselves, it is definately worth to be read. What I want to talk about is how you can sometimes tell what accent a book is written in. Marian Keys is Irish and her books always have an Irish "twang" that seeps through even when you - like me - never mastered the magical Irish accent (oh how I love it).
There is a part where Lydia is trying to fend off an admirer (which she doesnt suceed with and they end up on a date) and Marian writes: "Her hair! Her bloody needy hair-she should have just got out of the car and rung the doorbell." I have been pondering on this, and I still haven't got a clue about what that expression "Her hair" means....But it made laugh so I might have to use it myself sometime.
There is another part that made me laugh out loud when I read it. Whilst lying in bed on my own... Its not a typical Irish catchphrase, it is just excellent, hear this: "Danno grabbed a thick black marker and began inhaling it as discretely as possible, to ready himself at the drama ahead"
Isn't it just the funniest thing you have ever read??
I wish I had come up with that line, now I cant use it...And I really want to write a piece based on that line.
But now I cant, especially since I have written about it here...so now I cant even sneak it in somewhere, because someone will pick me up on it.
I am hoping to finish the book today. All I have planned is sorting out my christmas decorations at my parents house. I know my mother will say that I have far too many decorations for my little flat. Which in fact is true, but I am planning on turning my abode into a santas grotto.
I might however leave some of the tree decs at their house....they haven't bought any new christmasballs since I was a child and they still put out the crackers I made in nursery school with sugar cubes in. So I think a serious makeover is in place. Looks like I will have a fairly busy weekend ahead of me.
I hope you will have a great time too.
Rest of my life..................
It is another Friday night, I have cooked myself a lovely dinner (and eaten it too) and now Im feeling slightly lonely. I wish I had someone to snuggle up to. I had planned to go to the gym, but I am feeling a bit shaky, cold and feverish. So I will stay at home and snuggle on my own.
I realise I have done this the last week, pretty much every night, come home, showered, eaten dinner and then tucked myself into bed with my book.
Not very exciting at all. And again I wonder...was it right?
I now only work part time at the school. Three hours a day. Which is just not good enough unfortunately. I wish I could support myself on that. It has been lovely to just spend quality time with the children in the afternoon with great staff and not having to deal with the nastiness going on, but lets face it... it wont pay the bills.
So if no one else goes off sick I have to look for something else.
Which is a shame, because I like the school.
I didn't realise it would be this hard to get a permanent job, but on the other hand, maybe it is good that I get to try different places, so that I get the oportunity to really, once and for all figure out what I want to do....where I want to work for the rest of my life.
Wonder what else I will be doing for the rest of my life...?
I realise I have done this the last week, pretty much every night, come home, showered, eaten dinner and then tucked myself into bed with my book.
Not very exciting at all. And again I wonder...was it right?
I now only work part time at the school. Three hours a day. Which is just not good enough unfortunately. I wish I could support myself on that. It has been lovely to just spend quality time with the children in the afternoon with great staff and not having to deal with the nastiness going on, but lets face it... it wont pay the bills.
So if no one else goes off sick I have to look for something else.
Which is a shame, because I like the school.
I didn't realise it would be this hard to get a permanent job, but on the other hand, maybe it is good that I get to try different places, so that I get the oportunity to really, once and for all figure out what I want to do....where I want to work for the rest of my life.
Wonder what else I will be doing for the rest of my life...?
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Aches and pains
I have had several emails this week from you who read my blog wondering why I am not updating anymore? And if I have stopped blogging completely? I am not stopping. Life is just a bit hectic...I have been working fulltime 6.30am-16.00 monday to friday which I have not done for several years!
I work in a school for children with special needs, I love it, but it is exhausting. So when I get home I have dinner, shower watch tv for an hour, then I'm passed out in bed.
I am beyond flattered from Your responses, I bow my head and just hope I can still interest you, inspire you and maybe make you laugh.
On Tuesday I got the swineflu jab. The doctor pinched me so hard I didn't even feel the needle prick my skin or the fluid being pressed into the flesh of my arm. You are warned that you might get some side effects but yesterday I felt fine, my arm didn't hurt and I didn't have a temperature. This morning however, I woke up and the left side of my body felt paralyzed and I could hardly lift my left arm. I have now had a hot, almost scalding shower, I have taken a paracetamol and am relaxing with some trashy tv and writing the blog. The dishes are piled fairly high behind me, I will take care of them before I go to bed, but right now, is me time.
I do think I will have an early night again tonight, with my book.
Tomorrow is thankfully Friday, this weekend will be spent researching Guy Fawkes and 5th November celebrations for my English essay. I will also get my christmas decorations out!! Next weekend will be devouted to turning my little flat into Santas Grotto.
With that I will leave you with one of my favourite christmas party songs. Get into the spirit people.
I work in a school for children with special needs, I love it, but it is exhausting. So when I get home I have dinner, shower watch tv for an hour, then I'm passed out in bed.
I am beyond flattered from Your responses, I bow my head and just hope I can still interest you, inspire you and maybe make you laugh.
On Tuesday I got the swineflu jab. The doctor pinched me so hard I didn't even feel the needle prick my skin or the fluid being pressed into the flesh of my arm. You are warned that you might get some side effects but yesterday I felt fine, my arm didn't hurt and I didn't have a temperature. This morning however, I woke up and the left side of my body felt paralyzed and I could hardly lift my left arm. I have now had a hot, almost scalding shower, I have taken a paracetamol and am relaxing with some trashy tv and writing the blog. The dishes are piled fairly high behind me, I will take care of them before I go to bed, but right now, is me time.
I do think I will have an early night again tonight, with my book.
Tomorrow is thankfully Friday, this weekend will be spent researching Guy Fawkes and 5th November celebrations for my English essay. I will also get my christmas decorations out!! Next weekend will be devouted to turning my little flat into Santas Grotto.
With that I will leave you with one of my favourite christmas party songs. Get into the spirit people.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
End of...what?
Sunday night and the weekend is over. I have to say that my batteries are recharged. I finished one book and has started another one and at the moment Im debating wether to take it to bed for an early night or if to stay up and watch a film I watched in the cinema a year or so ago with my mum?
I think I know what I will do, but first I need to let out what is burning in my fingers. I need to write something.
I dont know what I want to write.
Or to be honest I know what I want to write. I want to write a letter to Him, telling Him that I miss Him and I hate being without Him.
This is what a weekend of relaxation does to me, recharging my batteries gives me too much time on my hands to think and dwell.
I also want a coctail.
And some time with the girls.
I will organise something soon.
Now Im heading for bed with my book. And I will leave you with two really fab songs I have "discovered" this weekend.
Lady GaGa makes me want to be a popstar and record my own video!
Another masterpiece by Lady GaGa in a different calmer version. Still fab!!
I think I know what I will do, but first I need to let out what is burning in my fingers. I need to write something.
I dont know what I want to write.
Or to be honest I know what I want to write. I want to write a letter to Him, telling Him that I miss Him and I hate being without Him.
This is what a weekend of relaxation does to me, recharging my batteries gives me too much time on my hands to think and dwell.
I also want a coctail.
And some time with the girls.
I will organise something soon.
Now Im heading for bed with my book. And I will leave you with two really fab songs I have "discovered" this weekend.
Lady GaGa makes me want to be a popstar and record my own video!
Another masterpiece by Lady GaGa in a different calmer version. Still fab!!
Friday, 13 November 2009
Curly Sue
I have been quite bad at updating my blog these past two weeks. I got the job I interviewed for, which is great, rewarding but exhausting. I have also sat an English exam, handed in four English essays and sat a maths exam this week. Tonight is the first night I could go straight home after work, although I had to pop into the supermarket first.
I have had dinner and am now plonked infront of the tv, feeling content and relaxed and I am looking forward to an early night with my book in an hour or so.
The rain is hammering on my window and I am so glad to be indoors.
This weekend will be spent recharging the batteries and reading a good book. No studies or essays to write. It's gonna be good.
Hope you will have a good weekend.
I have had dinner and am now plonked infront of the tv, feeling content and relaxed and I am looking forward to an early night with my book in an hour or so.
The rain is hammering on my window and I am so glad to be indoors.
This weekend will be spent recharging the batteries and reading a good book. No studies or essays to write. It's gonna be good.
Hope you will have a good weekend.
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