Monday, 23 November 2009

Tell me why I dont like Mondays

So this is monday. I have felt very strange, restless and worried all day. Almost on the verge of a panic attack. I came in to work my three hours this afternoon and arrived in the middle of a bitch session. Staff slating one of the children, saying "I just cant cope with her, You have to sort her out, You are her keyworker" I felt my blood starting to boil and slammed my hands in the table and roarde like a lioness "JUST GET ON WITH IT, IT IS YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!!!" which scared one the girls so much she started to cry. I had to apologise (especially since I am "only" the temp..) I obviously didnt mean to make her cry, but it just made me even more annoyed with the little whimp.At the end of the day, we work with children with challenging behaviours, it is our job and our responsibility to care for them and teach them the best we can whilst they are at school!

When the children went home, I drove to the gym and worked out for just over an hour. It felt wonderful to rid all of that built up tension and stress. To work my body until I ached. Once home I had a hot hot shower, easing my sore muscles and making myself feel relaxed and calm. All the stress has just run down the drain with the soap and shampoo. I reheated some leftovers which was still delicious. And now I am watching some trashy tv, my favourite past times. I will soon head off to bed with my book. Nothing new and exciting in the life of Mia today Im afraid.

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