It is Sunday morning and I finally feel calm enough to write about what I am about to write about.
On Friday my friend Micke posted something on my facebook wall...
It was the second trailer for SATC 2 movie...
By now you are probably aware of the fact that I am somewhat of a SATC nut.
As I watched it I actually screamed like a twelve year old little girl.
And then I saw him....Aidan...he is BACK!
I always thought that Carrie should have married Aidan and not Mr Big...And I was really angry and upset when she cheated on him.
I love the scene when she tells him that she wants him back and she thinks that this time it will really work out, and all he says, with a loud "booming" voice is:
"You broke my heart".
It always gives me goosebumps...
So now that we see that Carrie will just accidently bump into Aidan on the other side of the world...will she cheat on Big?
I hope she doesn't, I do not encourage adultery.
So, get on with it, tell me how pathetic I am, I dont care, just watch the trailer for yourselves and tell me that you are not even a little bit excited....
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