Thursday, 23 September 2010

Time off

As I came back from Greece last week I was feeling dizzy and not very well at all. I figured it was due to being on a boat for six hours and then flying for three hours the same day and getting home after midnight so not getting much sleep. But on Thursday I was still dizzy, it felt like I was walking on cushions and the world was spinning upwards in various speeds depending on if I was standing up, walking, or sitting down. I decided to leave it til Monday, and if it still hadnt stopped then, I would call my GP.
On Saturday I was in town with my mum, I felt dizzy, but thought "Hey, whats new..." but as I was walking around the shoppingcentre I could feel my legs give way and the next thing I knew I was on the floor with my head in my mums lap. So she drove me to the A&E, even though I would rather have gone home and got into bed for a few hours, but my mum being a nurse, she wouldnt listen to that suggestion... I was put in a room of my own, they checked my pulse and heart rate then I was left on my own.

After an hour the doctor came in to see me, she shook my head backwards and forwards, side to side and concluded that I do not have "the crystal condition".
The "crystal condition" is (if I have understood it correctly) when the crystals in your ears are disturbed, so instead of just floating nicely in your ear canal as they should do, they bounce against the walls in the ears, which makes you feel dizzy and sick. I then had to wait for another three hours to see the earspecialist who also decided that I do not have "the crystal condition".
After another hour I was told that the doctors didnt think my condition was such an emergency that I needed to stay over night, so I could go home and wait for a referal to the neurologist. After six hours in the hospital I was happy to go home and have some of my mums meatballs for dinner before crashing into bed.

On Sunday Sofie came over for lunch and a catch-up. It was great to see her, we dont get to meet as often as I would like to, so it is always good with some girlietime with her.

I went to work as usual on Monday, but I really didnt feel well, so I called in sick on Tuesday and made an appointment with my GP. She couldnt find anything wrong with my brain activity, which I guess is good...
Yesterday I woke up with a blocked nose, sore throat and a temperature.
So was the dizzyness a "pre. flu attack"?
I am still dizzy and feel rotten but I can now relate it to the fact that I have a stinking cold and possibly the flu.

So, since I am in no fit state to sort things out that I really want to sort out, (tidying up the basement after flood or shopping for lamps for example) I have spent some time on YouTube, looking for funny clips to cheer myself up with.
And I remember this lady, who I was introduced to a couple of months ago, and instantly fell in love with. Watch the clip and then tell me she is not hysterical.

My teeth hurts just looking at this clip, and powdered sugar? What is that? I have never heard of it before.
There are more where that clip came from... I love this one aswell.

Just one (or two) more cooking question... powdered milk?? "Because we all know that children need milk"? Is powdered milk as good as fresh milk? I dont know why, but I always thought that fresh food is better than non fresh food...
And another thing that I come she is not the size of a house if she eats what she cooks? If I ate those peanutbutterballs as a "snack" when I came home from work everyday, I wouldnt be able to get through the door soon. Then there is the clip of Paula eating a Lasagna sandwich. But I will let you find that for yourselves on YouTube..

Another thing I just love about Paula is her southern draaaaawl when she speaks.
I love the southern American accent, and how they make one word out of two (or maybe even three?) HiY'all!!
I think I will start speaking like that too...
It sounds so lovely when she says "Girlfriend" or "baby". I am not convinced I would get away with talking like that though...Especially not if I translated "babydoll" to Swedish. But maybe I should give it a try, just to see if someone notices?

Oh ok, I will give you the clip of the Lasagna sandwich..since I am sick, I quite fancy one of these badbois.. I always fancy something extra fatty when I'm not well. But I am too tired to cook lasagna at the moment, so I will have to make do with toast and watching Paula on my laptop. Unless someone wants to cook for me?

Well I will have a nap in the sofa now. Have a great day Y'all!

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