So my christmas holiday is over, I went back to school today. We already have homework, which I should have done tonight, but instead I watched a film..I really fancied something scary tonight so I thought Dream House would be a good option.
Directed by Jim Sheridan and with Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz in the leads I thought it would be a great film.
A couple (Will and Libby) lives with their two little girls in a nice big house, he has just left his job to spend more time with his family and write a book. The house they have just bought used to belong to a family similar to them where the father one day shoots his wife and daughters. The neighbourhood is wary of the house and one night Will discovers that a group of teenagers is holding some form of seans in the basement.
The girls see a strange man creeping around the house, looking through the windows in the house and Will tries to catch whoever it is and he digs a bit deeper in what actually happened to the family who lived there before them. He gets no help from the ploice but he is eventually lead to a psychiatric hospital where he finds out something he probably wasnt prepared for.
I dont know if I just havent found any good horrorfilms lately or if I have just become braver at this age...
Because I didnt get scared...It was a very good film, I enjoyed it a lot, but I didnt hide behind a pillow like I would have done three years ago.
If you enjoy thrillers (but Im not sure this is classed as a thriller) with a psychotic twist I highly recommend this film. Here is the trailer, watch it!
Monday, 9 January 2012
Friday, 30 December 2011
The ´Terminal and Sex and the city2
I certainly have been spoiled with time to watch films this christmasholiday. Last night I was up til two am watching "The terminal", I have just finished watching "Sex and the city2" and on chanel 5 "Con Air" just started.
I will start by writing about "The Terminal"
It came out in 2004 so its not a brand new film, but I dont think you can call it a classic either.
It is directed by Steven Spielberg, which almost guarantees a brilliant, wellmade film. Which it - in my oppinion - is. For some reason I have never seen the whole film, Ive seen the beginning and the middle, but not at the same time and Ive never seen how it ends. But last night I sat and watched the whole film with no interruptions!
I remember hearing that the film was - or based on a - true story, so I had to google it today and it is not as much based as inspired by a true story.
The true story was of Merhan Nasseri who lived at Charles DeGaulle Airport from August 1988 to August 2006, when he was taken from the terminal due to an illness. An Iranian political refugee, Nasseri became stuck when his refugee certification documents were stolen from him in France, en route from Belgium to England. Without the papers, he was unable to enter England; Belgium did not permit refugees to return once they had left the country; and France would not allow him to stay because he could not prove his identity. As such, he became stuck at the airport.
In the film the man is called Viktor Navorski who gets stuck at JFK airport.
Whilst being in the air his country Krakhozia starts a revolution so his passport is not valid anymore. He is then denied entry into America and he cant go back to Krakhozia either. So he sets up home in the airport, where he meets a lot of different people and a lot of funny incidents take place.
The cast is very good with Tom Hanks playing Viktor, Catherine Zeta Jones as Amelia, the flight attendant Viktors meet everytime she gets into the airport.
Stanley Tucci (The Devil wears Prada, Julie and Julia to name two) plays the airport manager, Diego Luna (Dirty Dancing 2) plays Enrique Cruz who is a luggage sorter and then Zoe Saldana (Avatar!) plays the immigration officer who Enrique is in love with.
I give this film MMMM and recommend you all to rent it! It is funny and makes you feel good and Tom Hanks is brilliant as Viktor Navorski.
Sex and the city 2
I think most of you have seen it, some of you might class it as a really good film? Unfortunately I cant agree, it is not a good film, because there is no real story in my opinion.
Well, sure the girls go on holiday together and they all behave how you expect them to behave. But I cant find a "red line" there...
To start with Stanford and Anthony gets married and Liza Minelli is the minister. I cant help why on earth she is there...But I like Mirandas comment: "Whenever there is this gay energy in one room Liza manifests"
At the wedding Samantha meets a man she has to sleep with (obviously) I really dont get how someone has to be that loud everytime they have sex. It is like someone is killing her in a pleasant way. It is just like a parody now, I dont find it liberating or "fresh", it is just annoying.
Then Smith comes back for all of two minutes, only to take Samantha to the premiere of his new film and introduse her to a man who wants to break into the filmindustry. Then we dont get to see him anymore. Which is a shame..He is hot!
Then there is Charlottes nanny.. An Irish girl - Erin - who doesnt wear a bra. Ever!
So she bounces wherever she goes, which is not realistic.. No woman with Erins "assets" would be able to be without a bra for more than half an hour, and she certainly wouldnt be able to jump or do cartwheels like Erin does.
So Im not sure why they have made the poor girl braless, she must have had such a sore back at the end of filming everyday.
The girls then arrive in Abu Dhabi and are obviously overwhelmed by it all, I dont blame them, I would be aswell. But then Carrie just happens to bump into Aidan... and they kiss.. and then we dont see Aidan anymotre..So I dont see the point of him being in the film either.
Then Samantha gets arrested for kissing in a public place and the girls are no longer on a free trip.
They have an hour to get out of the hotel and get to the airport, but Carrie realises that she has let her passport at the market where she met Aidan. So the girls obviously has to go back to find it. Ofcourse Samantha gets them in trouble again since she feels the need to thrust her pelvis at some arabic men and shout "Yes I have sex"
But luckily they are rescued by some women who give them niquabs to dress in and then get to the airport unnoticed.
So no, I cant say that this is a very good film. But I still like it... But what I like is the clothes that the girls wear, the designs of the houses and the make-up.
And the music is fantastic!
I love when the girls are in a karaeokebar and sing "I am woman" watch this
I dont know what genre I shal put this film into... But I think all women should watch it, just to dream, fantasize and get inspired, but at the same time I am quite glad that as far as we know now...there are no plans to make a third film.
Even though I love these ladies, I think they have told us their story now..
So it is time for us to go back to 1998 and watch all the series from the beginning. I think I might just do that.
I will put the trailer up for you to watch...just so you can remember how much you love or dislike this film.
I will start by writing about "The Terminal"
It came out in 2004 so its not a brand new film, but I dont think you can call it a classic either.
It is directed by Steven Spielberg, which almost guarantees a brilliant, wellmade film. Which it - in my oppinion - is. For some reason I have never seen the whole film, Ive seen the beginning and the middle, but not at the same time and Ive never seen how it ends. But last night I sat and watched the whole film with no interruptions!
I remember hearing that the film was - or based on a - true story, so I had to google it today and it is not as much based as inspired by a true story.
The true story was of Merhan Nasseri who lived at Charles DeGaulle Airport from August 1988 to August 2006, when he was taken from the terminal due to an illness. An Iranian political refugee, Nasseri became stuck when his refugee certification documents were stolen from him in France, en route from Belgium to England. Without the papers, he was unable to enter England; Belgium did not permit refugees to return once they had left the country; and France would not allow him to stay because he could not prove his identity. As such, he became stuck at the airport.
In the film the man is called Viktor Navorski who gets stuck at JFK airport.
Whilst being in the air his country Krakhozia starts a revolution so his passport is not valid anymore. He is then denied entry into America and he cant go back to Krakhozia either. So he sets up home in the airport, where he meets a lot of different people and a lot of funny incidents take place.
The cast is very good with Tom Hanks playing Viktor, Catherine Zeta Jones as Amelia, the flight attendant Viktors meet everytime she gets into the airport.
Stanley Tucci (The Devil wears Prada, Julie and Julia to name two) plays the airport manager, Diego Luna (Dirty Dancing 2) plays Enrique Cruz who is a luggage sorter and then Zoe Saldana (Avatar!) plays the immigration officer who Enrique is in love with.
I give this film MMMM and recommend you all to rent it! It is funny and makes you feel good and Tom Hanks is brilliant as Viktor Navorski.
Sex and the city 2
I think most of you have seen it, some of you might class it as a really good film? Unfortunately I cant agree, it is not a good film, because there is no real story in my opinion.
Well, sure the girls go on holiday together and they all behave how you expect them to behave. But I cant find a "red line" there...
To start with Stanford and Anthony gets married and Liza Minelli is the minister. I cant help why on earth she is there...But I like Mirandas comment: "Whenever there is this gay energy in one room Liza manifests"
At the wedding Samantha meets a man she has to sleep with (obviously) I really dont get how someone has to be that loud everytime they have sex. It is like someone is killing her in a pleasant way. It is just like a parody now, I dont find it liberating or "fresh", it is just annoying.
Then Smith comes back for all of two minutes, only to take Samantha to the premiere of his new film and introduse her to a man who wants to break into the filmindustry. Then we dont get to see him anymore. Which is a shame..He is hot!
Then there is Charlottes nanny.. An Irish girl - Erin - who doesnt wear a bra. Ever!
So she bounces wherever she goes, which is not realistic.. No woman with Erins "assets" would be able to be without a bra for more than half an hour, and she certainly wouldnt be able to jump or do cartwheels like Erin does.
So Im not sure why they have made the poor girl braless, she must have had such a sore back at the end of filming everyday.
The girls then arrive in Abu Dhabi and are obviously overwhelmed by it all, I dont blame them, I would be aswell. But then Carrie just happens to bump into Aidan... and they kiss.. and then we dont see Aidan anymotre..So I dont see the point of him being in the film either.
Then Samantha gets arrested for kissing in a public place and the girls are no longer on a free trip.
They have an hour to get out of the hotel and get to the airport, but Carrie realises that she has let her passport at the market where she met Aidan. So the girls obviously has to go back to find it. Ofcourse Samantha gets them in trouble again since she feels the need to thrust her pelvis at some arabic men and shout "Yes I have sex"
But luckily they are rescued by some women who give them niquabs to dress in and then get to the airport unnoticed.
So no, I cant say that this is a very good film. But I still like it... But what I like is the clothes that the girls wear, the designs of the houses and the make-up.
And the music is fantastic!
I love when the girls are in a karaeokebar and sing "I am woman" watch this
I dont know what genre I shal put this film into... But I think all women should watch it, just to dream, fantasize and get inspired, but at the same time I am quite glad that as far as we know now...there are no plans to make a third film.
Even though I love these ladies, I think they have told us their story now..
So it is time for us to go back to 1998 and watch all the series from the beginning. I think I might just do that.
I will put the trailer up for you to watch...just so you can remember how much you love or dislike this film.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Horrible Bosses
Now this is a funny film!
Its about three friends who have the worst bosses in history. (maybe not in history....but they are pretty bad..)
1) The bitchdentist who sexually herrases her assistant. The dentist is played by Jennifer Aniston whom I am a big fan of. It is cool to see Jennifer doing this type of charachter, she is as far away from the cute "girl-next-door", as she can get!
2) The arsehole
3) The druglord
The three friends decide that they have to kill their bosses, the world will be a better place without them!
But obviously they cant do it they hire "Mother-Fucker Jones" to do the job, but M-F Jones is only intrested in being a murderconsultant so since they have already paid him $5000 they realise they have to do the dirty job themselves.
And this is where the fun really begin!
No actually there is a very funny part before that, when they think they have contacted a professional killer, who instead turns out to be a man who urinates on men for money...
But anyway, the three friends are not exactly streetwise, so there are plenty of times when I Laughed Out Loud!! For example when Dale accidently covers himself in cocain and ends up high as a kite and have to sit in the car while the others look through the house.. Check this out:
I highly recommend this film for when you just want to be entertained and laugh!
Here is the trailer.
Now go and watch the movie!
GO, GO, GO!!
Its about three friends who have the worst bosses in history. (maybe not in history....but they are pretty bad..)
1) The bitchdentist who sexually herrases her assistant. The dentist is played by Jennifer Aniston whom I am a big fan of. It is cool to see Jennifer doing this type of charachter, she is as far away from the cute "girl-next-door", as she can get!
2) The arsehole
3) The druglord
The three friends decide that they have to kill their bosses, the world will be a better place without them!
But obviously they cant do it they hire "Mother-Fucker Jones" to do the job, but M-F Jones is only intrested in being a murderconsultant so since they have already paid him $5000 they realise they have to do the dirty job themselves.
And this is where the fun really begin!
No actually there is a very funny part before that, when they think they have contacted a professional killer, who instead turns out to be a man who urinates on men for money...
But anyway, the three friends are not exactly streetwise, so there are plenty of times when I Laughed Out Loud!! For example when Dale accidently covers himself in cocain and ends up high as a kite and have to sit in the car while the others look through the house.. Check this out:
I highly recommend this film for when you just want to be entertained and laugh!
Here is the trailer.
Now go and watch the movie!
GO, GO, GO!!
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
A lonely place to die
Finally! Finally have I seen a brilliant film!!
I wouldnt call it a horrorfilm...there is action and shooting, but I wouldnt call it an actionfilm... It was bloody exciting though! I was at the end of the sofa mumbling into the pillow "Come on Come on Come ON!!!!" "Make it in time MAKE.IT.IN.TIME!!!"
Ok, so the story is this: Three men and two women are up hiking, climbing and absailing in the Scottish mountains, when they stumble on something that looks like a periscope, sticking up from the ground.
When they examine it closer, they realise that someone is buried in a wodden box in a whole in the ground and when they open the box they discover a little girl who can be around eight-ten years old.
How did she end up there and why?
The girl doesnt speak a word of English.
They decide that they need to get off the mountain and get the girl and themselves to safety as quickly as possible.
Obviously things dont go very smoothly...people die and they run for their lives.
I dont want to give away too much, because it is a really really good film! I will definately watch it again!
I give this film MMMM!! and a bonus M for the stunning scenery in Scotland where they recorded this film.
Check out the trailer and then WATCH IT!!!
I wouldnt call it a horrorfilm...there is action and shooting, but I wouldnt call it an actionfilm... It was bloody exciting though! I was at the end of the sofa mumbling into the pillow "Come on Come on Come ON!!!!" "Make it in time MAKE.IT.IN.TIME!!!"
Ok, so the story is this: Three men and two women are up hiking, climbing and absailing in the Scottish mountains, when they stumble on something that looks like a periscope, sticking up from the ground.
When they examine it closer, they realise that someone is buried in a wodden box in a whole in the ground and when they open the box they discover a little girl who can be around eight-ten years old.
How did she end up there and why?
The girl doesnt speak a word of English.
They decide that they need to get off the mountain and get the girl and themselves to safety as quickly as possible.
Obviously things dont go very smoothly...people die and they run for their lives.
I dont want to give away too much, because it is a really really good film! I will definately watch it again!
I give this film MMMM!! and a bonus M for the stunning scenery in Scotland where they recorded this film.
Check out the trailer and then WATCH IT!!!
Martha Marcy May Marlene...
Ive done it again! Watched a weird film in hope that it was scary... Which it wasnt, not even a little bit. The story is about a young woman (Martha, who is played by Elisabeth Olsen, the Olsen twins little sister..)who is haunted by memories from the abusive cult she has fled from.
She lived in the cult for two years where they called her Marcy May and now when she is trying to re-assimilate with her sister and brother-in-law, she has a hard time seperating memories from her dreams.
And so have I as the viewer..
The cultleader - Patrick - is your average cultleader..full of praise and warm fuzzy love to start with, and then he turns violent and threatening.. Yawn... The script is so boring, any first-year dramastudent could have written it in his/her sleep. Max talks about how beautiful death is, because it is the ultimate "precense of oneself" or something just as meaningless...
What annoys me the most, is that everywhere you read about this film, it is described as a "Thriller" and it certainly isnt!
It is just like all films that tries to describe the "truth" behind a cult?
Dont we all know that by now? If you join or get lured into a cult, you will, nine times out of ten be abused, raped, beaten and brainwashed. Sadly there are more people who never find their way home again, than ones that do..
But the people who find the strength and curage to get help and leave, have difficulties to adapt, back to "normal" life again and will always need professional help. And unfortunately, I think a lot of people have to live the rest of their lives with heavy medication and counselling to be able to cope with day to day lives.
I dont recommend this film. Its crap. Dont watch it!
Here is the trailor anyway, just in case you are into boring cultfilms?
She lived in the cult for two years where they called her Marcy May and now when she is trying to re-assimilate with her sister and brother-in-law, she has a hard time seperating memories from her dreams.
And so have I as the viewer..
The cultleader - Patrick - is your average cultleader..full of praise and warm fuzzy love to start with, and then he turns violent and threatening.. Yawn... The script is so boring, any first-year dramastudent could have written it in his/her sleep. Max talks about how beautiful death is, because it is the ultimate "precense of oneself" or something just as meaningless...
What annoys me the most, is that everywhere you read about this film, it is described as a "Thriller" and it certainly isnt!
It is just like all films that tries to describe the "truth" behind a cult?
Dont we all know that by now? If you join or get lured into a cult, you will, nine times out of ten be abused, raped, beaten and brainwashed. Sadly there are more people who never find their way home again, than ones that do..
But the people who find the strength and curage to get help and leave, have difficulties to adapt, back to "normal" life again and will always need professional help. And unfortunately, I think a lot of people have to live the rest of their lives with heavy medication and counselling to be able to cope with day to day lives.
I dont recommend this film. Its crap. Dont watch it!
Here is the trailor anyway, just in case you are into boring cultfilms?
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Ok so tonight I also watched an actionfilm.... And oh what a film...
Abduction is written by someone called Shawn Christensen and directed by John Singelton. Taylor Lautner plays the main character who sets out to uncover the truth about himself after he finds a picture of himself on a website for missing children.
That is what it says on Google anyway...
Somewhere around ten minutes in Taylor takes his shirt off...and I dont know what happens after that... Sorry...
I know there was a lot of shooting and running, then Taylor flexes his biceps and thighmuscles, and I got lost again..
BUT then I realised they were on a train (them being Taylor and the mandatory good-looking girl whom I am not sure how she ended up with him..) and they are making out, and then he takes his shirt off..and I dont know what happens after that.
So, all in all, a good film... If you like actionmovies, I would recommend it. If you like Taylor Lautner I would also recommend it.
I know I am far too old to have a crush on Taylor Lautner, but I cant help it..He looks like a younger version of David Boreanaz...Who I REALLY fancy...
Maybe Taylor is mine and Davids lovechild...? No yuk, I cant have romantic feelings for my own lovechild...Take away THAT mental image NOW!!
Ok it is pretty late and this blogpost makes no sense, so I will bid you all goodnight. Tomorrow I will watch a chickflick and a seriously scary psychological thriller/horror film. And then I might have to watch another funny film after that...
I leave the trailer for Abduction here, then you can decide for yourself if you want to see it. And I give you permission to drool as much as you like ladies ;-)
Sleeping Beauty....
Ok, I need to write about some films.... After all it is the holidays, and who would believe me if I said that I havent seen ANY films during this time off? I even said that I was sick when someone asked me to work..just because I wanted to stay on the sofa watching dvds....
Im gonna start with an Australian film called Sleeping beauty that is written and directed by Julia Leigh, the two main characters are played by Emily Browning (Lucy) and Rachael Blake (Clara).
It is very apparent that it is women who play the biggest part in and around this film, because even though it is a very sexual film, it is never vulgar.
I am however not sure how to discribe it... In other reviews I have read they say: A haunting portrait of Lucy, a young university student drawn into a mysterious hidden world of unspoken desires.
And yes, I guess I can agree to that.. Lucy is a student, and like all students she needs extra money to support herself. One day she answers to an advert for doing waitressing and is told that she has to be in her underware, serving old gentlemen. She never questions why she has to be in her underware and she doesnt seem to be bothered when Clara tells her that she needs the colour of her lipstick to exactly match the colour of her labia...
She just does it, because she gets paid $250 for it, money that she burns when she gets home..
Lucy has a friend who she calls Birdmann, whom she visits every week and drinks neat vodka with. Birdmann takes it on his cereal.
I have never tried that, but it doesnt sound very tasty to me..
Birdmann is sick, but I never understood what condition he has, but we do get to see Lucy at his funeral.
One day Clara calls Lucy for a job which needs her to be asleep, sedated, in a bed, and men will do things to her while she is sleeping. Clara only have one rule: No penetration! And please be careful so not to leave any marks...
Are you confused?
I dont blame you, so am I, and I have just seen the film...
So how many M:s do I give it?
Because even though the story isnt very good, the film is beautiful, the photography is very artistic and that is what makes me give it two M:s...
If you like artsy films that are there for you to figure out instead of being told everything about them, I highly recommend this film for you. It has a solid performance from Emily Browning in the lead role, and it has enough imagery and symbolism to keep you coming back for another watch. That is, if you don't fall asleep during the first time.
Im gonna start with an Australian film called Sleeping beauty that is written and directed by Julia Leigh, the two main characters are played by Emily Browning (Lucy) and Rachael Blake (Clara).
It is very apparent that it is women who play the biggest part in and around this film, because even though it is a very sexual film, it is never vulgar.
I am however not sure how to discribe it... In other reviews I have read they say: A haunting portrait of Lucy, a young university student drawn into a mysterious hidden world of unspoken desires.
And yes, I guess I can agree to that.. Lucy is a student, and like all students she needs extra money to support herself. One day she answers to an advert for doing waitressing and is told that she has to be in her underware, serving old gentlemen. She never questions why she has to be in her underware and she doesnt seem to be bothered when Clara tells her that she needs the colour of her lipstick to exactly match the colour of her labia...
She just does it, because she gets paid $250 for it, money that she burns when she gets home..
Lucy has a friend who she calls Birdmann, whom she visits every week and drinks neat vodka with. Birdmann takes it on his cereal.
I have never tried that, but it doesnt sound very tasty to me..
Birdmann is sick, but I never understood what condition he has, but we do get to see Lucy at his funeral.
One day Clara calls Lucy for a job which needs her to be asleep, sedated, in a bed, and men will do things to her while she is sleeping. Clara only have one rule: No penetration! And please be careful so not to leave any marks...
Are you confused?
I dont blame you, so am I, and I have just seen the film...
So how many M:s do I give it?
Because even though the story isnt very good, the film is beautiful, the photography is very artistic and that is what makes me give it two M:s...
If you like artsy films that are there for you to figure out instead of being told everything about them, I highly recommend this film for you. It has a solid performance from Emily Browning in the lead role, and it has enough imagery and symbolism to keep you coming back for another watch. That is, if you don't fall asleep during the first time.
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