On tuesday last week one of the boys in school asked me if I had seen Titanic? His uncle had given it to him the night before (brand new! the plastic is still on!!) and he was going to watch it that evening. The next day I asked him if he had seen it and he had seen the beggining, but then his mum told him to go to bed. But he was so excited about this film and the diamond that was on the bottom of the sea, we discussed it at lenght whilst walking to the swimming lesson and I told him that wheras Rose and Jack is not as far as we know a true story, there was a big ship called Titanic that sunk on its maiden voyage almost a hundred years ago.
I really enjoyed our conversation and his excitement until he asked me if I had been onboard?
I tried to comfort myself with the knowledge of children not having much conception of time...
But ever since I have felt the need to watch it again, it is such a brilliant film and Leonardo DiCaprio is so handsome.

Whilst flicking through Google for pictures for this blogpost I came across this... I was amazed...surely this film was never made?
Then I read th comments for it and it turns out someone has cut together clips from other films Leonardo has done...Clever though, I have to say.
Amazing what you can do with computers these days.
Now I sound like I actually am old enough to have been on the Titanic...
It has been an ok day, I have caught up on some sleep, watched three films and managed to get some housework done. Sounds pretty boring, but I need to get the rest and I really want to kick this cold for good. Unfortunately I cant see it happening before tomorrow, I am still sniffling and am going from hot to cold to hot again.
So I guess it is another week of snot bonanza in my nose.
I will watch the last bit of the film now, and I will leave you with the best song from a film, I am still such a sucker for it.
Celine, sing your heart out...
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