Even though I bought new boots so I dont get snow in my socks anymore, it is still difficult to walk in the slush that is our world at the moment.
I guess we are better prepared here than what the english people were, but down south where I live we are still not prepared enough for this kind of mayhem.
I remember going up to visit my grandmother at christmas when I was a child. People were never stylish, because they just couldnt be, they had no other choice but to wear boots with tennis rackets strapped to the soles.
And there was no way you could leave the house without a hat, prefferable fur (fake obviously) or something wooly, an average knitted "cap" would not do the trick.
The coats that were sold in the avarage shops up there are only sold in special "wildermark life" shops down here...
So today I realised that I actually take the snow as a personal insult when it comes down like this. I havent got a chance to protect myself from getting cold and wet and with that comes the sniffly nose and the flu.
I do like my new boots though, if I tuck my jeans into them I feel a bit like a soldier...
What do you think?
Still they didnt help much, I now have the stinking cold back....not impressed I tell you. I can not have any more time off work, I just started my new position, and I love it, my colleagues are great and the kids are cool. I have to say they are not as scary as I first thought they would be.
I think I will have to give So You Think You Can Dance a miss tonight and just go to bed early with a hot water bottle. Except that I dont actually have a hot water bottle....and no "wheat bag" since I killed the one Donna had lent me...so I guess I will just go to bed....
But I will first show you some photos from the weekend when Betty was here and we did the touristy thing.
I realised again how beautiful my city is...

This is me on the frozen lake, doing my best "Torvil and Dean" pose...(only skating people and Brits will know who Torvil and Dean are...)

Hotel Kramer on the "Big square" I wonder if it was built for a different purpose or if it has always been a hotel...I think it has been a hotel for as long as I can remember...

We went down to the beach just as the sun was setting, it was freezing cold, but looked like a small piece of heaven. I live in a beautiful place.

The bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen. I remember before they built it and we went on the ferry to Denmark for shopping and merriment.
They started building it after I moved to England, so the first few years when I arrived home for a visit, I had to get on a bus at the airport to take me to the ferry and then the ferry to Sweden. It was hard work...
I like the bridge, it gives us easier access to the continent, but I miss the ferries, that used to be half the pleasure of a day out in Denmark..
With that I am leaving you for the night. I am heading for the shower and then my jimjams and bed. Night all.
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