Sunday, 31 January 2010

Early sunday morning..

Well it's not that early..but I am feeling a bit fragile this morning. I had a great time at C and G's "birthday hangout" last night, and I must have drank more than I can remember, it feels like I have a man with a concrete drill in my head. Or it was the champagne...I dont take too well to champagne...
C and G know some music people who had brought their guitars, so we got live entertaining which was very nice. It set the tone to a very relaxed chilled out evening and even though I only knew a few people it felt like I was amongst a big bunch of friends.
G had made tapas and they had a huge chocolate cake which was delicious!
Jeanette and Jimmy gave me a lift home at two am, I was very grateful not having to get a taxi, I have spent a small fortune on cab fares this week. I do not care for more snow in my shoes. Yesterday I bought new boots, so no more wet feet for me, I hope..

I am meeting up with Teddy later today, will be good to see her, havent seen her since I was in Stockholm in October.
And tomorrow I am working on my own, I have to say that I feel very nervous already, sick to my stomach actually. Or that might be the wine from yesterday?

I feel I need to have a shower and drink lots of water, so I hope you all have a very good Sunday.
I want to put a photo here..but I havent got a new one...and I wont take a random picture of my bookcase just so I can show off.
But maybe a song?
Ahh yes this one...a summer song that the musical people friends played yesterday, and I like to listen to now, when summer seems so far away and all I long for is warm summer evenings chilling with friends and have that warm feeling of peace in your heart.

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