I am back home, in Sweden. The flight was delayed, then the luggage took half an hour to come through so it was gone midnight before I was home in my flat.
I have had a brilliant time. Seeing Donna again was great and her man is lovely.
They picked me up at Gatwick airport and then drove Donnas little Toyota Yaris to their flat. Donna cooked lasagne which I havent eaten since I came back to Sweden. So it was yummy yummy. We then watched tv (I demanded Eastenders, which I havent seen since April, so I didnt have a clue about what was going on, but aparently Stacy and Bradley are back together!!!!) and drank an awful lot of wine. Donna made up my bed and I slept like a baby.
On thursday (New Years eve) me and Donna went to Twickenham for a bit of shopping. The night before we had said that both of us were in desperate need of a haircut, so when we were in Army and Navy buying make-up we went to the indoor hairdressers and was lucky enough to both get an appointment.
It was the funniest hour and half I have had in a hairdresser, I tell you...
I was first to sit in the chair, she took the band out of my hair and said: "Hmmm, yes, your hair dont do anything for you does it? Look at the frizz, to get rid of the frizz you have to put some kind of product on the hair, but you dont do that do you?" And she looked at me very sternly, like a head mistress.... I could feel myself shrinking into the chair, wishing I had put a product on my hair...I dont know what product though...
She then cut it a bit too short and curled it...so I looked like my grannie when she had just had a perm...not attractive at all...
Then Donna sat in the chair and again she said: Hmmm yes, your hair does nothing for you does it? As she started to comb through her hair she nearly cried, she seemed to be in utter despair about poor Donnas hair, "Oh I dont know what to do with this, it is just SO DRY" She then proceeded to comb Donnas hair infront of her face and left her whilst talking to a delivery man, leaving Donna sitting with all her hair hanging in front of her eyes, looking like one of those sheepdogs with the fringe covering their eyes.
Me and Donna was nearly wetting ourselves as we ran out of the store to the pub where we ate a really nice chicken and shared a bottle of wine.
After a couple of hours we got a cab home, we only got a little bit lost on the way.
Once home I painted my nails, had a shower and straightened my hair. It turned out pretty good and my new top looked great aswell.
One of Sams friends,Ed, turned up and we went to the pub together. Donna had high hopes that me and Ed would end up in bed together, fall in love and then I would stay in England. Bless her heart. Me and Ed did not fall in love, neither did we end up in bed together.
New Years day we spent on the sofa, watching "Superman returns" (not "Superman flies again" as I first thought) Donna cooked a roast and we ate tubs of Ben and Jerry ice cream. The next day, saturday, we got on the train and went to Kingston for some more shopping. By this time Donna was becoming more and more poorly, she was snotty and coughing a lot, so after lunch Sam came to pick us up and we drove home.
Again we slumped on the sofa and watched tv. That night we decided to order pizza and finish off the Ben and Jerry icecream.
When Sunday came round Donna was really ill, poor thing. I borrowed her car and drove over to Sally and Alex and the kids to spend the day with them. Bronwen was in hospital with stomach pains (which turned out to be an inflamed apendix which she had removed yeasterday morning) so I spend a few hours in the hospital with her.
And yesterday I came home.
I have had a great time, I was spoiled by Donna and Sam and felt very relaxed.
Today I have taken all my christmas decorations down, done my laundry and been to the gym. I need to take control of my life again, I have been very lazy even if I was also ill..during the holiday period. So it was hard today, my muscles was screaming and I am now aching like I have never ached before, but it feels good at the same time.
I had plans of cleaning today aswell, but I am just too tired. I will leave it in a mess and do a very good job tomorrow instead. I am now relaxing infront of the tv, watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and giving myself a manicure. Tonight will be an early night aswell methinks.
It is good to be back home and get back to normal again. I am fed up with the snow, and now I want spring to make an apperance. I know I am never 100% satisfied.
I wont play a christmas song tonight, but I will play a song that was frequently aired on Viva and 4Music. It gets me in a happy party mood, so hope you enjoy it too.
Please remind me to make you lasagne next time you're coming over for dinner!! :-) With wine of course!
Kram Sara
MMMMM yup det gör jag!!
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