I dont actually mind waking up early, of course it depends on how early...but I quite like getting up, having some breakfast, read my book then have a nap around eleven...
I finished my "shadowing period" yesterday, so from Monday I am on my own...have I told you what I will be doing? Probably not...but from Monday I am the P.E teacher AND the I.T teacher...
Yes go on, laugh....then get it out of your system and just support me, I think this is my biggest challenge yet actually...
I will ease myself into it and hopefully this time next month I will feel more relaxed about it, I have great colleagues who are very supportive, helpful and friendly so I dont feel nervous about asking for help should I need to.
More snow arrived yesterday, tonnes of it. I got home around six when it had just started snowing, then I lit candles and cosied up in my chair and watched tv all night. It was lovely, I unintentionally shut the world out and didnt realise all the snow until I got ready for bed.
I dont feel as annoyed with it today, not yet anyway, but later tonight I am going to C and G's house for a bithday hangout, I might be a bit annoyed then..
There is a swedish, childrens, winter song playing on a loop in my head, it goes like this: "Yes look it's snowing, yes look its snowing, isnt it fun, Hurrah, Now the winter is here like we wished for Hurrah"
I would like to know who wished for this???
This is my basement steps, not much steps come to think about it, more like a small ski slope..
Yes I know it is pretty....but as I have said before, enough now...
Someone once said to me "You are never satisfied with the weather are you?"
And I guess no I am not...it very rarely is just right...I prefer summer evenings, when the air is warm, not boiling hot..I do like summer days too, if I can just lie still and not have to work and be out in the sveltering heat.
And I love the rain, when I can be indoors and just hear the raindrops patter on my windowsill, and I also like the snow very much, I would just like it a bit more if there was winter tyres on my parents car so I wouldn't be isolated...
Yes there we go again...the biggest reason to me not liking the snow, is because I cant go anywhere without getting snow in my shoes, nobody can say that is a nice thing about winter...
Today is the last saturday of January, the day after tomorrow we enter February, which feels good, it is a short month before March when the spring is getting closer and the weather will be milder, well at least I hope it will be milder anyway...
The time is now half past eight and I need my breakfast.
Have a great weekend all.
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