Blogging hasnt really been coming to me in the last days..I havent got much inspiration I guess. A lot to do at work, and I have realised how low jealousy will make some people sink and how some people always will get away with being bullies if they just shed a few tears at the right time.
I am doing the best I can to stay positive and I hope that I am a better person for not spreading lies and keeping my dignity. Maybe I am naive, but I do believe that what goes around comes around and if you are true to yourself and treat other people the wayyou want to be treated, the sun might shine on you a bit more and the bitterness wont eat you up.
Unfortunately there will always be they who are not happy unless others are unhappy, I just hope I will always have the strenght not to become one of them.
I pray that my life will contain more exciting, inspirational people and projects to make me strong to turn my back to nasy, bitter gossip.
That is not to say that gossipping about if Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt will get back together or not wont be on the cards...

Will they, wont they...? Hope they will.....
The snow is finally gone and I feel the spring is in the air, although it is still freezing cold. My flat is pretty cold aswell, I am wrapped in a blanket with fluffy socks and slippers and my nose is streaming.
Tonight is the night when lots of new programmes start again.
Desperate Housewives in an hour which I am most excited about.
I really want something sweet to eat, but have nothing at home.
The question is, do I run up to the shop and get something quickly? Or do I stay at home and be good?
Im off to the shop for sweets!!!

Undrar om det är mig du syftar till?
Nej det är det inte vännen. Några andra som vi fr.o.m imorgon inte pratar om alls. ;-)
:-) ses
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