It has been a good day, I have great colleagues who make the days at work fly by with lots of laughter and smilies.
I went for the swimming lesson and swam for an hour, it is great to be able to exercise during working hours isnt it?
When I came home I felt drained and exhausted and thought to myself: "I will have a nap for an hour before I cook dinner" so thinking that I would sleep for an hour or so I tucked myself into bed. Only to wake up three hours later wondering what happened?
Makeup staines on my sheets and my hair looking close to a birdsnest. So I had a warm shower, washed my hair, hung the laundry and cooked dinner.
Tomorrow is my dads birthday, I will have dinner with him and my mum and celebrate a little bit, well as much as he wants to, my little dad doesnt want a fuss and he doesnt want anyone to spend any money on presents for him.
Wich makes it a bit difficult to find a present for him.
This year however, I have bought the dvds "The girl who played with fire" and "The girl who blew the hornets nest". The films from the books by Stieg Larsson which he really liked. So hopefully he will like them.
I am looking forward to the weekend. Meeting with Sara on friday for some girlie time with food and wine, then there is only sleep planned and I might possibly go for a long walk if the weather permitts.
Well I am sensing that the words arent coming easily this evening, so I will bid you a good night and hope life is good your end.
I want to play a song....
This makes me think of summernights...oh how I long for them... hopefully it wont take too long until they are here and we can spend time watching the sun go down.
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