Monday, 13 April 2009

Back from Surrey and ready to go.

I'm back, and I'm ill!
A week of eating lovely, healthy, home cooked food and no junk apparently does that to you.
My throat feels like and open wound with salt in and I'm changing between shivering cold and sweating like a beast.
I feel very attractive.
It was hard saying goodbye to the Wood family.
I cant believe I wont see them for at least 6 months now.
I cried pretty much the whole way back along the motorway.
Last night Brendan sent me a txt message saying "I love you so much" which set me off again and I txt him back telling him how I love him too.

Today me and my parents are packing up their car with all my things and they are going back tomorrow.
I'm also selling my car tomorrow so will be on foot for the first time since I passed my driving test 8 years ago.
That is scary, I bet i will get lost...

I talked to my friend in Sweden earlier this morning and she asked if I had everything packed and if I feel ready?
And yes I do, I feel that everything is falling into place, I have a job, a flat and I have enrolled to a signing course at a school where they teach interpreters.
I enjoy signing even if I never really thought about working as an interpreter, but no knowledge is bad knowledge, right?
I have my things divided into 2 piles, one for "need to go home now" and the other is "can wait another 6 months or so"

So yes I am for the first time in my life organised and ready to go.
I'm ready for the next chapter in my life to start, and to let go of the past.
I'm feeling good, excited and inspired to make some good things happen to me.
In 7 days time my new life will start.

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