Thursday, 30 April 2009

Bankholiday weekend

Today is the night before our May bank holiday in Sweden.
Tomorrow the streets will be filled with people demonstrating for whatever they feel passionately about, but tonight everyone is out getting drunk and watching the bonfires that symbolises that winter is finished and spring is here.
Another thing we do in Sweden is to "sing in the spring", which happens on the 1st of May every year.
So tomorrow we can watch and listen to choires sing to their hearts content to ecourage the spring to come out with the sunshine and warmth.
Today has been lovely and warm, so hopefully it is here to stay.

It is also our king's birthday today, which I think adds to some people getting drunk.
"Lets toast the king"

I havent been out to any bonfires today, I've been unpacking and making myself at home in the flat.
When i came in yesterday I said to my mum that there was a funny smell in the flat, like mould, but also like stale smoke and dirty water.
I asked my mum if she could smell it aswell?
But she said it doesnt smell bad, it just smells of another person that has lived here.
I need to put my own smell to the place.
So today I have cleaned and spent time here so to "put my smell on it".

My favourite person in the whole world -Teddy- came down to Malmo today and tomorrow we are meeting up, she will come and see the flat and then we are going for a coffee or a drink and have a long gossip about what has happened since we last saw each other in May last year.
On Saturday we are taking her children somewhere and then having a night in watching a dvd which will be nice.
So I have a good weekend ahead of me.

On Monday I have two interviews, the man that had promised my mum that I had a job over the summer is no longer in charge so he cant guarantee anything anymore, which is a bit pants..but such is life i suppose.
Hopefully something will happen from the meetings on Monday.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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