Wednesday, 29 April 2009

First night in new flat

Yes thats right baby.
I'm in my flat, sitting amongst my suitcases and boxes and feeling rather happy.
Ive started the un packing, some from this suitcase, some from that and something else from another box over there.
There is a lot to do, tomorrow..
But I have found a diamond in the bookcase..
Buffy boxset!
How wonderful, I'm so excited!

Its complete with a letter from Joss Wheadon to all the fans, I got one with my Angel boxset aswell, the only difference is that this letter has scared me half to death..
The last line in the letter reads: "Put this boxset on your shelf and go to sleep. It will whisper to you in your sleep"

"???WHATS THAT NOW????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WHO will whisper to me in my sleep??
The vampires??
Or Buffy??
I would like to say now, that everyone should be aware that from tomorrow there will be garlic and crosses hanging by my doors! No one will be welcomed in until Ive dragged a cross over them and i might get some holywater to splash on them aswell...
Tonight no one will come through those doors!

Im off to bed, goodnight.

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