This is me and my friend Sara, we went to nursery together, our mothers worked together in the hospital, so we really have known each other our whole lives..
I always look back at Sara as this brave, fearless girl who I looked up to and wished I was as brave as. She used to climb trees like she was Tarzan himself, she would also climb out on the roof outside her window and sit there when her mum thought she was asleep. Me on the other hand never dared to go against my parents wishes in ANYTHING. But turns out that Sara used to see me as her protector, if I was around she knew I would beat and scare anyone who wasn't nice.
Well she couldn't have been more wrong could she?
I was and still am the biggest wimp to ever walk, but it is nice to know that there is someone who thought I was quite scary...
Yesterday I finally got to see the physio therapist (Oh.So.Cute!) After prodding me for a while he came to the conclusion that a couple of the soft, spongy disks between the vertebra's has "floated out" and made small "bubbles".
Its not dangerous but I have exercises I need to do every other waking hour so that I can push the disk back into place.
It sounds worse than it is..but I guess all the years of me trying to give myself a good posture by "tucking my pelvis under" and rolling back my shoulders....did just the opposite...I have almost straightened my spine out, so instead of it being in a curve like an S, it is almost straight like an I...well done Mia...no wonder I'm in pain.
Cute doctor/physiotherapist said he wants to see me again on Friday (well twist my arm...) and possibly give me more exercises.. damn it, I don't like exercises..
Last night girlfriend Sara came over (see photo at the top). Me and Sara has a friendship I have with no one else, we can not meet up or talk for a year, when we then meet, its like we never been apart, we just click right back into talking about our lives and work and happenings.
She is great and I'm so glad she is still in my life and we haven't drifted apart in the roller coaster that is life.
We ate chicken wrapped in bacon, salad, new potatoes and cold sauces. For afters I made a crumble apple pie with Swedish custard, there is only one word that can describe it: YUMM!
With full bellies we crashed in the sofa and Sara forced me to listen a typical Swedish summer "plague song".
About "a little bird, who lived in the country side, his name was Roger and he wanted to play with his friends." these lyrics carries on for almost the entire song, but in the end we find out that "one day Roger gets shot, and falls down from the sky and now Roger is dead".
And believe it or not, there is a video....
I found it on Youtube....
Check it out
I especially like the part where someone shouts "Are you ready?" That is a classic.. very BassHunterEsc....
We then decided that a proper drink was in order, so Sara made a very sweet Martini/Wild berries cocktail from my dads bar cabinet and then left an "I owe U" note. When my parents see it they will have such a giggle and find it hilariously funny.
I gwent to bed around 2am after Sara realised she had missed her last bus, so had to call a cab..
Today I have been fairly productive, Ive called the university and the adult school. On Thursday I'm enrolling to bump my grades in Maths up, in January I'm enrolling to a writing course and August next year I'm enrolling to the university.
Looks like I'm going back to school... exciting..and scary...
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