Well, I asked for it, and now its here with a vengeance..
I'm talking about the rain.
It started raining last night and it is coming down hard now, I don't really mind, since I'm indoors, warm and dry.
But when I got off the bus I realised that the seat I had been sitting on were wet!
Why didn't I realise that when I sat down?
I still pray that it was just rain from a wet coat, and I'm 99% sure it was just water, but you can never be really sure can you?
As soon as I came home I threw all my clothes in the washing machine and put myself in a hot shower and scrubbed my tush until my skin was red raw and stinging.
Just to make sure there were no horrible germs crawling on my skin that might mutate and grow a third head on my skin and then kill me.
I'm also getting seriously nervous about what will happen in 3 weeks time, when my summer contract runs out.....
And I haven't even looked into anything else...
Stupid and irresponsible, I know.Which I suppose I am now being punished for.
I have a list of people to call tomorrow.
I recall telling you some time ago that I live my life like a 22 year old, and once again I am proven how immature I am for thinking that everything will be fine, everything will work out fine.
And I'm sure it will work out, one way or the other, but maybe if I put some effort into my own life I could do something really great, something meaningful and fulfilling, something I would get a real job satisfaction from.
Not just go there because I have to so that I can pay the bills, but wake up and feel I'm doing something for myself.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. I love that saying, makes me feel hopeful and positive.
And I have to start somewhere, so I might as well start with making some phone calls.
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