I can not wait for the next two days to be over, although I feel bad for my colleagues. Work is, well...to be honest I can not find the right words to describe what it is like at the moment. Apart from crazy, knackering and exhausting.
We are so short of staff, which isnt anyones fault, it is just plain bad luck that everyone is getting ill at the same time. I am so looking forward to going away for a long weekend, but I can not help feeling a bit guilty at the same time..Because my colleagues will be working even harder to bring it all home these last few days of term before the summer holiday starts.
I am feeling better than I did yesterday, but my throat feels like an open wound, I am trying to sooth it with hot tea and honey, it is helping a little bit.
I realised when I got to work this morning that my waterbottle had leaked in my handbag and my phone was dripping, and had switched itself off. I took it apart, dried it our in the oven and I think it works again. Well sort of anyway. Sometimes the screen goes black and I have to turn it off and on again. So I have once again placed it in the oven to hopefully dry out completely.
After work was the annual BBQ with the after schoolclub. Cold and wet, but still a good evening. I am so glad to be home, heating cranked up and the shower is awaiting before I go to bed.
I recieved a phonecall earlier with the information that there is a flat available that I can move into NOW. The rent is however 6300 SEK...(aprox £600..) I WANT IT!
But it is too expensive...since I have no definite income after August...
I feel depressed.
I also recieved a letter telling me I didnt get into any of the writing courses I have applied for.
I feel depressed.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with the dentist. I am looking forward to getting rid of the piece of metal I have in my mouth and have lovely teeth again, but I am nervous as always...but this man is good, he is calm, polite and funny. I feel as relaxed as I can do when Im there.
Well Im off for my shower and then bed, if I can stop sneezing that is...Night all.
This song is lovely to relax and unwind to when you have had a stressful day and want to shut the world out for a few minutes. Hope you enjoy it.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Misery loves company?
I have come down with a cold. My nose is blocked and "dripping" at the same time. My throat is sore and I woke up with a temperature. I am so fed up, grumpy and annoyed. Nothing seems to be able to cheer me up. My darling mother came over with painkillers, nosespray, throat pastilles and icecream. Love my lovely mummy.
I want to stuff my face with chocolate croissants, cakes and pancakes, but since it is raining I do not think that I am in a fit state to walk or bike up to the shop. Damn it!
Im whiny and feel like everything is falling apart and working against me.
I suppose I should just tuck myself back up in bed and stay there with my misery.
I can not wait to go to England on Thursday, just get away for a few days and spend time with my English girls. Fingers crossed that the weather stays nice so we can sit in the beergardens with shades and catch up on all the gossip.
Have a good sunday all.
I want to stuff my face with chocolate croissants, cakes and pancakes, but since it is raining I do not think that I am in a fit state to walk or bike up to the shop. Damn it!
Im whiny and feel like everything is falling apart and working against me.
I suppose I should just tuck myself back up in bed and stay there with my misery.
I can not wait to go to England on Thursday, just get away for a few days and spend time with my English girls. Fingers crossed that the weather stays nice so we can sit in the beergardens with shades and catch up on all the gossip.
Have a good sunday all.
Friday, 28 May 2010
So glad it is over....
This week has been hectic to say the least. I am so glad it is Friday and weekend can commence. Tomorrow is the Eurovision songcontest, but Sweden didnt even make the final! Talk about embarassing! And humiliating!
I was invited to a girlsparty to watch it and I was looking forward to it, but after these past two weeks of madness I just havent got the energy to be sociable, chatty and friendly to people I dont really know. So I will spend the night with C.C and just unwind, relax and hopefully recharge my batteries.
I am tired, exhausted actually, and I feel the need to lie in a dark, quiet room and not talk. I will tuck myself into bed soon, as soon as the nailvarnish on my toes has dried.
Probably watch ten minutes of "It's complicated" before I fall asleep.
I hope you all have a good weekend, I am sure I will.
I was invited to a girlsparty to watch it and I was looking forward to it, but after these past two weeks of madness I just havent got the energy to be sociable, chatty and friendly to people I dont really know. So I will spend the night with C.C and just unwind, relax and hopefully recharge my batteries.
I am tired, exhausted actually, and I feel the need to lie in a dark, quiet room and not talk. I will tuck myself into bed soon, as soon as the nailvarnish on my toes has dried.
Probably watch ten minutes of "It's complicated" before I fall asleep.
I hope you all have a good weekend, I am sure I will.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010

It is five o'clock in the morning, an hour until my alarm goes off and I have been awake for two hours. Thoughts spinning in my mind, I feel stressed and sleep seems far away.
I know the best thing would be for me to stay in bed and rest, even if I wont sleep, but the stress has infested itself in my back and my mouth is hurting I felt that I needed to strech and move around a little bit.
I am gulping down water to try and banish my headache but so far no luck. A part of me is contemplating calling in sick for work today, but I am not exactly sick..just stressed and exhausted and emotional.
I recieved some personal critiscism last night, and strangely enough it really upset me. I dont know why because to be honest it wasnt that bad. I am a big girl who should be able to handle someone questioning why I have chosen to do something in a particular way. But aparently I am not.
I felt my heart crumble and I had to finish the conversation before I burst into tears.
I then had a good cry and felt so much better for it. I guess things are building up and in a way I feel I have a right and a good excuse for feeling like this. Life seems to be taking a turn, hopefully towards better brighter times, but I think I have come to the conclusion that I am a person who does not adapt to change very easily. Hopefully by this time next week I will have a definite answer and feel better. About a lot of things.
I am off for a well needed shower, hopefully it will wake me up and set me up for the day. Then a nice breakfast.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
What a week.....
It is sunday night and I feel drained but happy. The last few days at work drained every drop of energy from me, both mentally and physically. On Thursday I went to the dentist and started the massive job of rebuilding my missing teeth. I have a big piece of metal in my mouth and feel hideous.
Not good when there is a new man in your life who you just do not want to stop kissing. What will he think of that??
So a nice relaxing weekend would have been the best medicine for me, but I had promised to help my mum to sell some stuff at an indoor carboot sale (without a carboot, does that make it a fleamarket??) So on Saturday I was up at 7 am! I was not a happy bunny. The day did go fairly quick anyway, and at four pm I set off out to Jeanettes house with C and V for a girlsnight.
Jeanette had made a gorgeous buffet with salads, ham, turkey, bread and pasta.
It was beautiful and perfect for a warm summer evening. We sat in the garden until it got cold then we moved in to the couch.
I got home past midnight and went straight to bed. This morning I was up at eight for another day at the market..
Afterwards my dad cooked me dinner before I went to CC's house for a lovely and relaxing evening. And he didnt even notice the metal..
I will fall asleep with a smile on my face tonight and hopefully wake up rested and refreshed tomorrow.
Cute song I keep playing on my Mp3 at the moment...
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
....and then he kissed me.......
He looked into my eyes and told me to breathe, his hands cupped my face and then he kissed me.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Henparty....a day to remember.

Saturday the 8th of May was a special day for many of us. A lot of time was put into planning this day and making sure Jeanette would have a great hen night. I dont know why it is called a henNIGHT, you are doing things the whole day..I know some people who has been away for a whole weekend.
It started with me getting the task of making plans with Jeanette for the day. I told her that I had got a new flat and I needed her help to move...
I thought I was really clever by sending a mass email to her and lots of other girls that she do not know, asking for help.
I did forget one thing though...that she is just as nosey and will snoop just as much as I do.
I havent written anything about my "move" here on the blog, neither did I write anything on my facebook status, so she was obviously suspicious. BUT, in the end we managed to trick her anyway since we had arranged with Hertz, where I would "rent" a minivan, for me to sign papers and give me keys.The other girls were waiting in the back of the van, so when I wrenched the door open and the girls jumped out shouting "SURPRISE!!!" she was a bit chocked.

Sandra J (Jeanettes sister), Sandra L, Amie, Emma (Jeanettes sister inlaw) C and V were all there and we dressed her in a featherboa, tiara and funny glasses.
The plan was then to have a picnic breakfast on the playground of our old school, but it was cold and rain was in the air so luckily V has a flat nearby our first activity so we had the picnic on her livingroom floor.

We all agreed that it was a long time since we drank champagne at 10 am and it quickly went to our heads. So it was a bunch of very happy girls who walked to our first activity, giggling like teenagers.
We didnt tell Jeanette what the plans for the day was, so she was happily surprised that she would be doing a strip aerobic class. With us. I had to sit it out since I was clever enough to fall down the stairs a few days prior and my back was killing me. But it was ok, I got the task to hold and cuddle the wonderful baby D, Amies six week old baby boy. He was just gorgeous and slept beautifully all the way through the exsercise. It was fun to watch the girls strutting their stuff, looking sexy to music. Here we all are, I am in the back with baby D.

When everyone had got changed into their own clothes we went back to V's flat for lunch and more alcohol. Sandra L had bought chiabatas with chicken, salad and avocado, my favourite sandwich filler.
Whilst eating, we gave Jeanette some small gifts that symbolised our friendship with her. We hadnt written our names on them, so she had to guess whom each gift was from. She guessed correctly on all of them.

Sandra J had also written a quiz about Jimmy (Jeanette's soon to be husband)
Here are a few of the questions, a tip for anyone arranging a henparty, this is a great game to play.
1) How old was he when he lost his virginity? and to whom?
2) What is his favourite part of his future wife's body?
3) When did he last vacuum under the bed?
4) What part of hs body is most sensitive?
5) Has he ever kissed a man?
That is just a few of the questions we had.
After lunch we went to "Model Lab" in town were Jeanette got to be a model for a day. They did her hair and make-up and then she was photographed. Here are a few of the photos they took, I cant put all of them on here, but I have chosen a few of my favourites.

Gorgeous girl!
We then went to C's house for dinner. Her lovely man had set the table and even ironed the napkins bless him. We cooked dinner, or I shouldn't write we..because all I did was scrub and wedge potatoes and put them on a bakingtray. You really shouldnt let me loose in the kitchen, I even forgot to season the potatoe wedges...they turned out ok anyway. But C and Sandra L had prepared Fondue with chicken and beef and salad. I have only ever had fondue once before but it was just as delicious as I remember.

We enjoyed this delicious meal and more wine and cider. We laughed and talked about old memories, mostly about funny things we have done with Jeanette. As everyone got ready to party we sat in the sofa with full bellies and drank more alcohol and played another game where Jeanette had to write the name of old boyfriends on balloons and tell the story about how she met them, and if she was over them she would put a needle in them. She put a needle in six ballons (I think it was six..) and then kept the last one which was her soon to be hubby.
The plan was to go clubbing after dinner, but having been on the go since nine am we all (apart from C) felt tired and relaxed so we stayed in C's flat until just after two am.

Sandra J, Jeanettes little sister.

Jeanette and Sandra
I then got a taxi home and fell into bed exhausted but happy.
Jeanette will marry her Jimmy in Las Vegas on the 31st of May. I am so happy for them.
Blogpost from their wedding party will follow in July.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Thats strange....
Something new happened to me today. Or actually just as I wrote that first sentence I realise that it HAS happened before, but it was such a long time ago that I had forgotten all about it.
This is what happened:
I was in the supermarket with my mum, buying some ingredients for my new healthy lifestyle. Im standing in the vegetableisle, picking out lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and peppers and in the corner of my eye I can see that someone sidles up next to me and starts picking at the avocados. Just as I turn to see if it is someone I know, he turns to me and smiles and I realise that I do not know him and I feel a little bit uncomfortable with his presence in my "personal space" and the fact that he is grinning like a cheshirecat...
I turn and walk away, looking for my mum to rescue me and when I find her in the breadisle I make sure that she is ready to leave.
As we turn around the strange man is standing in front of us, still smiling.
And then he opens his mouth and speaks... "I am sorry, but I just have to tell you that you are an amazingly beautiful woman" I now have to tell you that I this morning woke up with a coldsore the size of Florida, it feels like my lip is about to rupture and spurt yellow pous all over my face and to be honest I look disgusting! I wasnt sure if he was talking to me or my mum....but he reaches out his hand toward me and in pure shock I allowed him to press his lips on the top of my hand. Then he walked away, leaving myself and mum standing in the breadisle looking at each other with open mouths.
What a weird man!
Trying to chat me up in front of my mother!
Maybe he wasnt chatting me up, maybe he is one of these people who feels it their mission in life to cheer up the whole world, in particular ugly ones with coldsores the size of Italy.
Anyway, this made my mums day and she called me an hour ago just to ask if I really didnt know this amazingly friendly man?
To be honest I am not sure I thought him friendly..a bit creepy and with very wet lips is more suitable in my head...
I think my laundry is finished so it is time for me to hang it and then tuck myself into bed.
Night all.
This is what happened:
I was in the supermarket with my mum, buying some ingredients for my new healthy lifestyle. Im standing in the vegetableisle, picking out lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and peppers and in the corner of my eye I can see that someone sidles up next to me and starts picking at the avocados. Just as I turn to see if it is someone I know, he turns to me and smiles and I realise that I do not know him and I feel a little bit uncomfortable with his presence in my "personal space" and the fact that he is grinning like a cheshirecat...
I turn and walk away, looking for my mum to rescue me and when I find her in the breadisle I make sure that she is ready to leave.
As we turn around the strange man is standing in front of us, still smiling.
And then he opens his mouth and speaks... "I am sorry, but I just have to tell you that you are an amazingly beautiful woman" I now have to tell you that I this morning woke up with a coldsore the size of Florida, it feels like my lip is about to rupture and spurt yellow pous all over my face and to be honest I look disgusting! I wasnt sure if he was talking to me or my mum....but he reaches out his hand toward me and in pure shock I allowed him to press his lips on the top of my hand. Then he walked away, leaving myself and mum standing in the breadisle looking at each other with open mouths.
What a weird man!
Trying to chat me up in front of my mother!
Maybe he wasnt chatting me up, maybe he is one of these people who feels it their mission in life to cheer up the whole world, in particular ugly ones with coldsores the size of Italy.
Anyway, this made my mums day and she called me an hour ago just to ask if I really didnt know this amazingly friendly man?
To be honest I am not sure I thought him friendly..a bit creepy and with very wet lips is more suitable in my head...
I think my laundry is finished so it is time for me to hang it and then tuck myself into bed.
Night all.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Heart flips and belly flops
On my way to work this morning, my heart flipped.
It skipped a beat, and I had to catch my breath.
A warm fuzzy feeling was born in my belly and stayed there all day today and has made me smile for ten hours.
I want to welcome this feeling, and gently push my doubts and selfprotect to one side. I still keep it in arms reach, just in case, but I feel I am entering a new part of my life.
Spring seemed to have dissapeared today, and we were left with cold winds and clouds. But in my heart was a warm breeze and the butterflies that has been asleep for so long seems to slowly be waking up again.
Imagine how a phonecall can change so much in such little time.
This afternoon has been spent playing Guitarr Hero with the students, and I have found a new passion. It has been so much fun and we "rocked" the place, lifted the ceiling of the school.
I now have two more favourite rocksongs and my dreams of becoming a rockstar is once again sparking in my mind
I rocked this one!
And this one!
Bret Michaels is STILL HOT even at 47 years old....well maybe not AS hot as he was in his glory days...but who is really?
Well it is time for me to go to bed.
Got a big and important day ahead of me tomorrow.
Night all.
It skipped a beat, and I had to catch my breath.
A warm fuzzy feeling was born in my belly and stayed there all day today and has made me smile for ten hours.
I want to welcome this feeling, and gently push my doubts and selfprotect to one side. I still keep it in arms reach, just in case, but I feel I am entering a new part of my life.
Spring seemed to have dissapeared today, and we were left with cold winds and clouds. But in my heart was a warm breeze and the butterflies that has been asleep for so long seems to slowly be waking up again.
Imagine how a phonecall can change so much in such little time.
This afternoon has been spent playing Guitarr Hero with the students, and I have found a new passion. It has been so much fun and we "rocked" the place, lifted the ceiling of the school.
I now have two more favourite rocksongs and my dreams of becoming a rockstar is once again sparking in my mind
I rocked this one!
And this one!
Bret Michaels is STILL HOT even at 47 years old....well maybe not AS hot as he was in his glory days...but who is really?
Well it is time for me to go to bed.
Got a big and important day ahead of me tomorrow.
Night all.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Here we go again...
I am off sick. AGAIN!
With sickness and diarreha. Excuse me if anyone is sensitive or eating at the time of reading. But why is it that it is worse to write about diarrhea than about vomit? Or maybe that is just worse in my head?
I used to have a sort of "ironstomach" when I was younger, I could eat anything, apart from sweets with E- numbers, and still be fine. Chocolate didnt upset my stomach, I once ate paté that had been sitting out all day and I wouldn't be surprised if I have eaten chicken that wasnt cooked through. And it never affected me.
Not anymore though. I cant even look at milk that expires the day after tomorrow without feeling queasy and even the smallest chocolate bar gives me the runs. Is that old age setting in?
So here I am, sitting on an inflatable ringcussion with a sore tummy and feeling sorry for myself. I am so hungry, but nothing will stay down (or in for that matter) Just to make sure that you all know that today is a bad day, and that today is a day when I feel sorry for myself and want Your sympathy, I can tell you that my back is still killing me. From last week when my "personal trainer" poked and probed my back and instructed me to do some exercises three times a day. They are not paying off so far...just causing more pain.
So what is a girl to do today?
I might book a trip to Brazil? I have been thinking about it for a while, but not felt brave enough. I will at least make the call and talk to the agent, then we will see what decission I make.
I am browsing Youtube in search of a good song to lift my mood and make me forget the pain in my back and bum.
I just heard this song on the Jay Leno show (they show the reruns early in the mornings) its not the sort of song I would normally listen to, but I really like it.
Hope you enjoy it, and have a good tuesday. I am heading for a hot shower.
With sickness and diarreha. Excuse me if anyone is sensitive or eating at the time of reading. But why is it that it is worse to write about diarrhea than about vomit? Or maybe that is just worse in my head?
I used to have a sort of "ironstomach" when I was younger, I could eat anything, apart from sweets with E- numbers, and still be fine. Chocolate didnt upset my stomach, I once ate paté that had been sitting out all day and I wouldn't be surprised if I have eaten chicken that wasnt cooked through. And it never affected me.
Not anymore though. I cant even look at milk that expires the day after tomorrow without feeling queasy and even the smallest chocolate bar gives me the runs. Is that old age setting in?
So here I am, sitting on an inflatable ringcussion with a sore tummy and feeling sorry for myself. I am so hungry, but nothing will stay down (or in for that matter) Just to make sure that you all know that today is a bad day, and that today is a day when I feel sorry for myself and want Your sympathy, I can tell you that my back is still killing me. From last week when my "personal trainer" poked and probed my back and instructed me to do some exercises three times a day. They are not paying off so far...just causing more pain.
So what is a girl to do today?
I might book a trip to Brazil? I have been thinking about it for a while, but not felt brave enough. I will at least make the call and talk to the agent, then we will see what decission I make.
I am browsing Youtube in search of a good song to lift my mood and make me forget the pain in my back and bum.
I just heard this song on the Jay Leno show (they show the reruns early in the mornings) its not the sort of song I would normally listen to, but I really like it.
Hope you enjoy it, and have a good tuesday. I am heading for a hot shower.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
A little birdie...
...woke me up at 04.55 this morning. It was twittering so loudly I thought it was actually in my bedroom.
I then couldn't go back to sleep and at six am I had to get up and go to work.
I only stayed for a couple of hours though since they were already two staff members and we don't need to be three on a sunday morning.
So I am now home again, have had some breakfast and am about to go back to bed for an hour or so and recharge my batteries as I promised myself to do yesterday.
Have a great Sunday all.
I then couldn't go back to sleep and at six am I had to get up and go to work.
I only stayed for a couple of hours though since they were already two staff members and we don't need to be three on a sunday morning.
So I am now home again, have had some breakfast and am about to go back to bed for an hour or so and recharge my batteries as I promised myself to do yesterday.
Have a great Sunday all.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Adult points?
Today I realised that I now have enough clothes to have seperate "winter clothes" and "summer clothes".
Does that mean that I am now an adult and possibly turning into my mother?
Or that I am becoming more Swedish?
I think Swedish people have different clothes depending on season and swap them around this time every year and again in the autumn...
My mum does anyway...
I said that I wouldnt do any extra work this weekend, but when they called and asked I heard myself saying "yes" without thinking....
So tomorrow I am working 7am-11.30...only four and a half hours...but still...I will need to set the alarm and not stay in bed til nine like I did today...
Oh well, a few extra pennies is never wrong is it..
I am listening to some old songs on Youtube and found a song that came out in the spring of 1994 and me and my friend Lisa - whose name is really Katarina, but everyone called Lisa - used to think of as "our" song.
I now wonder why?
It is a lovesong about a couple who broke up, but the woman now wants to meet him again because they had such good times and they were best friends but now they are not anymore.
I guess I liked the music more than the lyrics, I remember not paying too much attention to the words to any songs back then, if a song had a good tune or a good beat I was happy.
Hearing the song makes me think about her though, and I wonder what she is doing today? I know she lived in Ireland for a while, but then she moved back again, I think the last time I saw her was in 1997 or 1998...
Found this one aswell...they were in the Swedish "melody contest" 1998 competing for a spot in Eurovision song contest. I believe they came second....
The lyrics is somewhat like this.."No other road that I have walked leads all the way home"...Back then I was just preparing to move to England for good (or so I thought)and felt that I was returning home. Listening to it now, I relise that I am home, here in Sweden. There are things that annoys me and probably always will annoy me and I will think that "this would NEVER happen in England" and there are days when I will long to move back for another adventure.
But. This is where I belong. At least for now, who knows what will happen in a few years time? I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Surely that gives me at least one adult point?
Does that mean that I am now an adult and possibly turning into my mother?
Or that I am becoming more Swedish?
I think Swedish people have different clothes depending on season and swap them around this time every year and again in the autumn...
My mum does anyway...
I said that I wouldnt do any extra work this weekend, but when they called and asked I heard myself saying "yes" without thinking....
So tomorrow I am working 7am-11.30...only four and a half hours...but still...I will need to set the alarm and not stay in bed til nine like I did today...
Oh well, a few extra pennies is never wrong is it..
I am listening to some old songs on Youtube and found a song that came out in the spring of 1994 and me and my friend Lisa - whose name is really Katarina, but everyone called Lisa - used to think of as "our" song.
I now wonder why?
It is a lovesong about a couple who broke up, but the woman now wants to meet him again because they had such good times and they were best friends but now they are not anymore.
I guess I liked the music more than the lyrics, I remember not paying too much attention to the words to any songs back then, if a song had a good tune or a good beat I was happy.
Hearing the song makes me think about her though, and I wonder what she is doing today? I know she lived in Ireland for a while, but then she moved back again, I think the last time I saw her was in 1997 or 1998...
Found this one aswell...they were in the Swedish "melody contest" 1998 competing for a spot in Eurovision song contest. I believe they came second....
The lyrics is somewhat like this.."No other road that I have walked leads all the way home"...Back then I was just preparing to move to England for good (or so I thought)and felt that I was returning home. Listening to it now, I relise that I am home, here in Sweden. There are things that annoys me and probably always will annoy me and I will think that "this would NEVER happen in England" and there are days when I will long to move back for another adventure.
But. This is where I belong. At least for now, who knows what will happen in a few years time? I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Surely that gives me at least one adult point?
Lovely relaxed evening.
Yesterday was a long day at work, everyone was very tired from the football tournament the day before and it felt like the clock stood still. I had a pounding headache and felt a little bit queasy at times, but 16.30 finally arrived and I got a lift home.
I laid in my bed for just over half an hour then had a shower and got ready for an evening out with three fabulous ladies at A Mesa. I have tried to put a link here but for some reason it is not working...But have a look at www.amesa.se and you shal see what we had for dinner.
I arrived slightly late since it took me a little longer to get ready, but the girls waited for me with drinks and it was so good to see them again.
We chatted over our Caipirinhas and I told them all about the rough day I had had, after ten minutes I felt good as new and we ordered food. The waitress was lovely, she had patiently waited for us to catch up and relax and then she recommended some of the dishes. We started off with Misto which is deepfried chickenballs, cheese balls and prawn pasties. It was gorgeous!
For main I had Picanha which is grilled rumpsteak served with toamto salsa, kassava and garlic pureé. Kassava is fried potatoes but not the sort of potatoes we have here in Europe, it was actually nicer, and the garlic pureé was more like a yoghurt garlic sauce. It was just delicious!
We didn't talk much whilst eating, we just concentrated on the food, it was so nice.
After another round of drinks and a breather, we ordered dessert. Me, C and Jeanette ordered chocolate and peanut torte with vanilla icecream and Sandra ordered pineapple mousse. Again we sat mostly quiet and just enjoyed the food, exploding in our mouths.
We decided that this was a place to return to. Anyone who lives in Malmö or if you are in the neighbourhood we highly recommend that you spend a couple of hours having dinner here.
Since it was Friday night, we were all quite tired so decided to retire after dinner at eleven pm. Not the party princesses like we used to be, but now four ladies who still know how to enjoy ourselves.
When I came home I washed the make-up off my face and tucked up in bed watching an episode of SATC where the girls are having lunch in a restaurant. It made me think if I was to compare us with them who would we be?
But I couldnt, I think we all parts of the characters in our personality.
I slept really well last night and have now eaten breakfast and is contemplating what to do with this saturday. I was supposed to meet an old friend I havent seen for twelve years or so, but unfortunately she is not feeling well so we shal meet another day instead.
I am tired after this hectic week and will just relax and recharge my batteries today and tomorrow, maybe I'll go for a walk and do some shopping. Finish my book this afternoon and have a nap is pretty tempting aswell.
I hope you all have a great weekend and are happy and at peace.
Just heard this song, it is nr 1 on the chart in the UK, and I LOVE IT!
It is making me want to party and looking forward to my trip to England and Ramsgate in the beginning of June for Betty's birthday.
I laid in my bed for just over half an hour then had a shower and got ready for an evening out with three fabulous ladies at A Mesa. I have tried to put a link here but for some reason it is not working...But have a look at www.amesa.se and you shal see what we had for dinner.
I arrived slightly late since it took me a little longer to get ready, but the girls waited for me with drinks and it was so good to see them again.
We chatted over our Caipirinhas and I told them all about the rough day I had had, after ten minutes I felt good as new and we ordered food. The waitress was lovely, she had patiently waited for us to catch up and relax and then she recommended some of the dishes. We started off with Misto which is deepfried chickenballs, cheese balls and prawn pasties. It was gorgeous!
For main I had Picanha which is grilled rumpsteak served with toamto salsa, kassava and garlic pureé. Kassava is fried potatoes but not the sort of potatoes we have here in Europe, it was actually nicer, and the garlic pureé was more like a yoghurt garlic sauce. It was just delicious!
We didn't talk much whilst eating, we just concentrated on the food, it was so nice.
After another round of drinks and a breather, we ordered dessert. Me, C and Jeanette ordered chocolate and peanut torte with vanilla icecream and Sandra ordered pineapple mousse. Again we sat mostly quiet and just enjoyed the food, exploding in our mouths.
We decided that this was a place to return to. Anyone who lives in Malmö or if you are in the neighbourhood we highly recommend that you spend a couple of hours having dinner here.
Since it was Friday night, we were all quite tired so decided to retire after dinner at eleven pm. Not the party princesses like we used to be, but now four ladies who still know how to enjoy ourselves.
When I came home I washed the make-up off my face and tucked up in bed watching an episode of SATC where the girls are having lunch in a restaurant. It made me think if I was to compare us with them who would we be?
But I couldnt, I think we all parts of the characters in our personality.
I slept really well last night and have now eaten breakfast and is contemplating what to do with this saturday. I was supposed to meet an old friend I havent seen for twelve years or so, but unfortunately she is not feeling well so we shal meet another day instead.
I am tired after this hectic week and will just relax and recharge my batteries today and tomorrow, maybe I'll go for a walk and do some shopping. Finish my book this afternoon and have a nap is pretty tempting aswell.
I hope you all have a great weekend and are happy and at peace.
Just heard this song, it is nr 1 on the chart in the UK, and I LOVE IT!
It is making me want to party and looking forward to my trip to England and Ramsgate in the beginning of June for Betty's birthday.
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