Monday, 3 May 2010

Here we go again...

I am off sick. AGAIN!
With sickness and diarreha. Excuse me if anyone is sensitive or eating at the time of reading. But why is it that it is worse to write about diarrhea than about vomit? Or maybe that is just worse in my head?
I used to have a sort of "ironstomach" when I was younger, I could eat anything, apart from sweets with E- numbers, and still be fine. Chocolate didnt upset my stomach, I once ate paté that had been sitting out all day and I wouldn't be surprised if I have eaten chicken that wasnt cooked through. And it never affected me.
Not anymore though. I cant even look at milk that expires the day after tomorrow without feeling queasy and even the smallest chocolate bar gives me the runs. Is that old age setting in?

So here I am, sitting on an inflatable ringcussion with a sore tummy and feeling sorry for myself. I am so hungry, but nothing will stay down (or in for that matter) Just to make sure that you all know that today is a bad day, and that today is a day when I feel sorry for myself and want Your sympathy, I can tell you that my back is still killing me. From last week when my "personal trainer" poked and probed my back and instructed me to do some exercises three times a day. They are not paying off so far...just causing more pain.

So what is a girl to do today?
I might book a trip to Brazil? I have been thinking about it for a while, but not felt brave enough. I will at least make the call and talk to the agent, then we will see what decission I make.
I am browsing Youtube in search of a good song to lift my mood and make me forget the pain in my back and bum.

I just heard this song on the Jay Leno show (they show the reruns early in the mornings) its not the sort of song I would normally listen to, but I really like it.
Hope you enjoy it, and have a good tuesday. I am heading for a hot shower.

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