It is five o'clock in the morning, an hour until my alarm goes off and I have been awake for two hours. Thoughts spinning in my mind, I feel stressed and sleep seems far away.
I know the best thing would be for me to stay in bed and rest, even if I wont sleep, but the stress has infested itself in my back and my mouth is hurting I felt that I needed to strech and move around a little bit.
I am gulping down water to try and banish my headache but so far no luck. A part of me is contemplating calling in sick for work today, but I am not exactly sick..just stressed and exhausted and emotional.
I recieved some personal critiscism last night, and strangely enough it really upset me. I dont know why because to be honest it wasnt that bad. I am a big girl who should be able to handle someone questioning why I have chosen to do something in a particular way. But aparently I am not.
I felt my heart crumble and I had to finish the conversation before I burst into tears.
I then had a good cry and felt so much better for it. I guess things are building up and in a way I feel I have a right and a good excuse for feeling like this. Life seems to be taking a turn, hopefully towards better brighter times, but I think I have come to the conclusion that I am a person who does not adapt to change very easily. Hopefully by this time next week I will have a definite answer and feel better. About a lot of things.
I am off for a well needed shower, hopefully it will wake me up and set me up for the day. Then a nice breakfast.
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