Saturday the 8th of May was a special day for many of us. A lot of time was put into planning this day and making sure Jeanette would have a great hen night. I dont know why it is called a henNIGHT, you are doing things the whole day..I know some people who has been away for a whole weekend.
It started with me getting the task of making plans with Jeanette for the day. I told her that I had got a new flat and I needed her help to move...
I thought I was really clever by sending a mass email to her and lots of other girls that she do not know, asking for help.
I did forget one thing though...that she is just as nosey and will snoop just as much as I do.
I havent written anything about my "move" here on the blog, neither did I write anything on my facebook status, so she was obviously suspicious. BUT, in the end we managed to trick her anyway since we had arranged with Hertz, where I would "rent" a minivan, for me to sign papers and give me keys.The other girls were waiting in the back of the van, so when I wrenched the door open and the girls jumped out shouting "SURPRISE!!!" she was a bit chocked.

Sandra J (Jeanettes sister), Sandra L, Amie, Emma (Jeanettes sister inlaw) C and V were all there and we dressed her in a featherboa, tiara and funny glasses.
The plan was then to have a picnic breakfast on the playground of our old school, but it was cold and rain was in the air so luckily V has a flat nearby our first activity so we had the picnic on her livingroom floor.

We all agreed that it was a long time since we drank champagne at 10 am and it quickly went to our heads. So it was a bunch of very happy girls who walked to our first activity, giggling like teenagers.
We didnt tell Jeanette what the plans for the day was, so she was happily surprised that she would be doing a strip aerobic class. With us. I had to sit it out since I was clever enough to fall down the stairs a few days prior and my back was killing me. But it was ok, I got the task to hold and cuddle the wonderful baby D, Amies six week old baby boy. He was just gorgeous and slept beautifully all the way through the exsercise. It was fun to watch the girls strutting their stuff, looking sexy to music. Here we all are, I am in the back with baby D.

When everyone had got changed into their own clothes we went back to V's flat for lunch and more alcohol. Sandra L had bought chiabatas with chicken, salad and avocado, my favourite sandwich filler.
Whilst eating, we gave Jeanette some small gifts that symbolised our friendship with her. We hadnt written our names on them, so she had to guess whom each gift was from. She guessed correctly on all of them.

Sandra J had also written a quiz about Jimmy (Jeanette's soon to be husband)
Here are a few of the questions, a tip for anyone arranging a henparty, this is a great game to play.
1) How old was he when he lost his virginity? and to whom?
2) What is his favourite part of his future wife's body?
3) When did he last vacuum under the bed?
4) What part of hs body is most sensitive?
5) Has he ever kissed a man?
That is just a few of the questions we had.
After lunch we went to "Model Lab" in town were Jeanette got to be a model for a day. They did her hair and make-up and then she was photographed. Here are a few of the photos they took, I cant put all of them on here, but I have chosen a few of my favourites.

Gorgeous girl!
We then went to C's house for dinner. Her lovely man had set the table and even ironed the napkins bless him. We cooked dinner, or I shouldn't write we..because all I did was scrub and wedge potatoes and put them on a bakingtray. You really shouldnt let me loose in the kitchen, I even forgot to season the potatoe wedges...they turned out ok anyway. But C and Sandra L had prepared Fondue with chicken and beef and salad. I have only ever had fondue once before but it was just as delicious as I remember.

We enjoyed this delicious meal and more wine and cider. We laughed and talked about old memories, mostly about funny things we have done with Jeanette. As everyone got ready to party we sat in the sofa with full bellies and drank more alcohol and played another game where Jeanette had to write the name of old boyfriends on balloons and tell the story about how she met them, and if she was over them she would put a needle in them. She put a needle in six ballons (I think it was six..) and then kept the last one which was her soon to be hubby.
The plan was to go clubbing after dinner, but having been on the go since nine am we all (apart from C) felt tired and relaxed so we stayed in C's flat until just after two am.

Sandra J, Jeanettes little sister.

Jeanette and Sandra
I then got a taxi home and fell into bed exhausted but happy.
Jeanette will marry her Jimmy in Las Vegas on the 31st of May. I am so happy for them.
Blogpost from their wedding party will follow in July.
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