Thursday, 10 June 2010


I can not work today, I fell over in the canteen yesterday and hurt my back pretty badly.
It was a beautiful fall I have to say (with sarcasm), I got caught on a chair and then fell, armpit first, into the marble windowsill. I had a glass of water in my hand and my plate of food in the other and it went everywhere.
You know how sometimes your brain manages to think a million thoughts in half a second? (mine rarely does, but on occasion it will chock me and kick into gear)
As I fell I thought "O.M.G the glass will break and I will cut my hand open and bleed to death, please dont make me hit my face and break my teeth and If I curl up in a ball and lie really still people might think I am dead and leave me alone"
Because you would just leave a dead person lying wouldnt you?

After lunch we got on the train to Denmark to a themepark. We were a bit unlucky with the trains and had to change three times before we got there, but once we arrived we forgot about it and had a good time. The pupils loved it, but us teachers were exhausted! And my back, neck and hip was killing me.
When I came home I had a hot shower and slathered myself with tigerbalm, hoping to wake up today feeling better. Unfortunately that was not the case, I am in AGONY.
I broke out in a cold sweat just walking from my bed to the toilet this morning and I am sporting three big, black bruises on my inner thigh, hip and rib.
Which couldnt come at a worse time, I need to be fit now, I have a lot of packing to do and only three weeks to do it in...
So I will allow myself today to rest and do some gentle streches, then it is back to work tomorrow and commencing the packing into boxes.

Have a good day all, hope you like the new song from Katy Perry, I love it!

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