It feels like I havent been blogging for months, but it was last wednesday, so not too bad. On Thursday we went to the west harbour in town and watched the recording of "Summers morning", the kids enjoyed it and I realised that my colleagues has a small crush on one of the presenters. Me being the kind, supportive woman that I am, obviously took some pictures with my phone. He is a chef and apparently cooks on some tv shows and according to my colleagues: "Totally adorable" so what do you think? Is he handsome? Gorgeous? Adorable?
The photo at the top is of the weddingcake he made together with two boys earlier in the show. It was a sunny day, but luckily it was a bit windy, I was wearing long sleeves so I didnt burn my shoulders again. Yes you really wanted to know that didnt you?
After work I got on the bus up to Entré where I met Sara and Linda for a girls night wih food and SATC 2. I ate a lovely grilled chicken and salad.
Then we made ourselves comfortable in the darkness of the cinema to enjoy two and a half hours of glamour, fashion and sex. The sequel didnt get as good revues as the first film did and I can see why. Dont get me wrong, I loved it, there was some great dialogue and the girls are still fabolous and when it ended it didnt feel like I had sat there for over two hours.
But there was no real focus I thought. Like in the first film Mr Big abandoned Carrie at the altar, the film then showed how she got her life back together and in the end they still get married.
There was some aperances from the old favourites, Smith, Stanford, Anthony and ofcourse Aidan...
But if truth be told, I didnt really see the point..
Stanford and Anthony gets married in the start of the film, but it is just a wedding, you dont get to know what happens afterwards, and they cant capture any love at all between the two of them, so that is obviously the actors fault...
Liza Minelli and Miley Sirus are also present, very briefly..
Seeing Liza strutting her stuff singing Beyonce´s "Single Ladies" was not exactly the highlight of the film...
I will admit that Aidan was always my favourite "Carrie-man", I thought she should have stayed with him and married him, not cheat with Big, who in my eyes are a bit of a bastard, and not very handsome at all. Sorry all Big-fans..

Look at him and tell me that he is not sex-on-legs...
I had hoped that the story between Carrie and Aidan would be longer, more intense and more...just MORE. Not just a kiss under an arch and then Carrie phoning Big telling him that something "happened".
And to be honest, I feel Samanthas sexlife is just over the top, it is not funny anymore, I didnt like her as much as I have loved her in the series and in the first film.
I have only talked about the parts I didnt like, which obviously makes it sound as if I didnt enjoy the film at all, which is wrong, I liked it a lot. I loved the scene where Miranda and Charlotte gets drunk, talking about how hard it is to be a mother. I loved it when they get up on stage to sing kareokee. And i love that Miranda has FINALLY chilled out a bit, Cynthia Nixon is fantastic!
I have started packing up my things, my little flat looks like a bomb went off here and I am so excited about moving. Yesterday I went sofahunting and found a wonderful, comfortable and (in my eyes) stylish sofa. What do you think?
Yesterday our crownprincess of Sweden got married. I watched some of it, she was stunning and she was glowing, you could see how much in love she is and how happy she was to get married to the love of her life. He is now Prince Daniel, and is already called "the peoples prince" because he is not from an aristocrat family. Just an ordinary boy from a small town in Sweden.
He held a beautiful speech for the princess, his new wife and I cried like a baby.
Love was definately in the air all over Sweden.
Today I had dinner with my parents, and tonight I will continue packing and cleaning the flat. Ready to move in 10 days! I am so excited!
I saw this video on facebook today. I dont know who made it, but it is pretty brilliant, depressingly correct actually.
"The place where dreams are trampled"....its not all bad, it is really pretty, and people are mostly happy and sociable, and even though they all say that they just want to get out of there, they dont really want to move anywhere else.
Thanet gets a grip on you, and it is hard to leave, even when you really want to, and wether you like it or not, wether you want to or not, you will leave a small piece of your heart there. In Thanet.
Please watch it! This is the place where I lived for eleven years..
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