Sunday, 13 June 2010


Something very dramatic happened to me this morning. I was sitting on the toilet (its OK, I only did nr 1) I picked up the toilet roll and out fell a spider and INTO MY PANTS!! I kicked and yelled and probably woke the whole house up. But I had horror images of the creep climbing into my private bits and laying eggs, so one day I would be spurting babyspiders when I went to the loo...I shiver and choke just thinking about it...
Thankfully a bottle of toiletduck managed to kill it.

I have been to my parents for Sunday dinner, it was lovely, I havent seen them or spent a lot of time with them lately, so we had a lot to catch up on. Job, flat, furniture etc etc...
I have a good feeling in my tummy, this will be a good summer hopefully.
If just the sun would come out, and the wind slow down...

Great song I found on Youtube which is climbing in the charts I think.

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