Saturday, 25 April 2009

Blue Saturday

I'm feeling down and blue today, don't really know why, but feeling a bit lonely, would love to be on the beach, with lots of friends, BBQ, someone playing the guitar and me wrapped up in someone special's arms (male arms).
But it's still fairly cold, so the beach is not an option and as far as I know none of my friends knows how to play the guitar and I have no special someone since my mum don't know the name of my lift man!

So I'm indoors on a saturday night, according to facebook and Twitter most people are out partying or snuggling with their families or having a BBQ in the garden with their other friends with children.
I must be the saddest person on the planet tonight, well me and Alexandra, Im chatting to her on msn at the same time Im writing this..
And we have decided to perform a rain dance so everyone else can be as miserable as us.
But that would be immature and I would be told that "What goes around come around" so when the day comes that Im really happy, someone else will do a rain dance and I will get wet and miserable and then we would be stuck in a viscious circle.

So I will be mature and grown up and go to bed and read my book, and tomorrow, if someone asks, I will say that I had a lovely relaxing evening with a good book and a glass of wine.
And I will pretend that I loved every minute of it, since I have been so busy lately it was just what the doctor ordered.

Good night all!
Tomorrow is another day

1992 Eurovision song contest.
We came last with 1 point...or even 0point


Anonymous said...

Hej Maria!

Du hade kunnat hänga med mig här ute i Kävlinge, är faktiskt mest hemma, så hör av dig ifall du vill ha sällskap, dricka vin etc..


Unknown said...

hej maria! jag har varit ute en sväng och kom precis hem. vet du, jag är jätteglad att du är hemma och jag ser mer än mycket fram emot att sätta oss ner en kväll eller två eller tre och prata, dricka vin, gå ut eller ta en kvällspromenad. ring gärna snart! kram kram

Mia said...

Ahh tjejer, gud vad roligt att hora ifran er.
Jag far min telefon fixad imorgon (mandag) sa hor av mig da.



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