Ive been in a bad mood since Thursday night, when my phone cut out and I couldn't switch it back on since I had forgotten my pin code!!
Luckily the guy in the phone shop solved it yesterday without charging me, I excitedly turned the phone on hoping someone exciting (like hot security guy or cute lift man) had called me..I am aware of the fact that neither of them have my number...but if you wish for something hard enough, miracles happens. So yes I was somewhat disappointed to realise I only had 1 message.
From work.
So I went home, to do my laundry and have a much needed shower, only to discover that the shower curtain was not where it was when I last had a shower.
I knocked on my landladies door but got no reply so I slid a note under her door asking what had happened (need to make sure shower curtain has not been kidnapped)
An hour or so later the note came back under my door with a message from landlady saying that she washed it whilst cleaning.
I now wonder: Why is she cleaning my shower??
I went to bed with an annoying, niggly, "angry" feeling in my tummy, but still slept well and woke up just after 9am today.
The angry feeling in my tummy was gone and replaced with a more sad feeling, and I knew, Alice is on her way, great!
I had an appointment at 10.15am to have my photo taken for a Swedish I.D, since everywhere I go people get very confused when I try to identify myself with my English driving license.
It's like they think Ive made it myself with glue and stickers...
Or it one of those play licences you get in cereal boxes.
I then went to my parents to go through some things in the attic with my mum and have dinner cooked by my dad.
I stayed at my parents for a few hours, feeling angry and frustrated and I realised what I was actually missing.
A Donna or Betty fix!
I need some childish fun, that I haven't had for some time.
Don't get me wrong, I am having a great time being home, getting my life back in order, but I could do with a night in (or out) with my girls, giggle and just let our hair down and get drunk.
It has been a beautiful day and tonight is perfect for a BBQ with friends, music and wine.
Instead I'm at home, on a Saturday night, on my own, watching "Sex and the city" (Buffy felt a bit too depressing tonight. I felt I needed something lighter, meaningless, casual)
I have frantically been searching You-tube for a commercial showing in Sweden at the moment, its for crispbread and the fact that you should eat a proper breakfast everyday.
Its a woman getting dressed in the morning, but as she puts her tights on, a big ladder runs all the way along her leg, she freezes and looks at her tights, then rips them off, growls, screams and flinging these tights around over her head.
She falls into a heap on the floor and bites the tights, you then hear a faint cough and her son comes into her bedroom, with a breakfast tray, and the woman looks very sheepishly at her son.
The text then reads: Have a good breakfast everyday (or something like that).
That is exactly how Ive been feeling all day, I want to scream and growl and throw myself on the floor and roll around beating my fists on the floor until everything feels better.
But since I know it wont, I will settle for one of my mums cinnamon rolls instead.
So much more mature, although a lot unhealthier.
Anyway i ll work it off tomorrow (or maybe not)