I was exhausted when I came home from work today, so I went for a nap, which was lovely but I woke up with a heavy weight on my chest.
I dreamt that I was on a big cruise ship, and I watched Him get married to another girl (for some reason I'm back to not writing His name...can't really stomach it, is it because He becomes more real? I don't know..)
In my dream I was OK with being there, even though I was feeling sad, but me and my friend (who happened to no one else but Faith from "Buffy" and "Angel"..) had a good time at the party (which wasn't the wedding party)
I was flirting with a devastatingly handsome man and I remember feeling that "buzz" in my tummy like you do when you get attention from such a hot man.
My mum was on this cruise as well with my little sister (in real life I haven't got any sisters or brothers) so I went to talk to them for a little while (to make sure my mum wouldn't come looking for me whilst I was having sex with the gorgeous man - who in the dream was called Wes)
When I came out from their room, Faith walked towards me pulling her top down, I laughed and asked her what on earth she had been up to and she hick-upped and said "Ive just had sex"
"With whom?" I asked her and she looked like she was trying to remember his name and then said "Wes?"
Even though I was dreaming I felt like I had been punched and I told her I had had enough today and didn't need her betrayal and I told her to go to hell.
Just then I woke up and I had started crying.
I looked up "wedding" in my Dictionary of Dreams and this is what it says:
"Dreaming of weddings tend to symbolise commitment or relationship issues. For example it may suggest your desires to be more involved in a relationship or partnership. If however your real-life partner marries somebody else in the dream, it is more likely to suggest your feelings of jealousy and insecurities"
I'm not sure how to interpret it..
I don't miss Him anymore, but I miss being in a relationship.
I don't like being on my own.
I don't know if He has met anyone else yet, or if there always was someone "waiting in the wings" until I left.
So in a way I suppose I am a bit jealous if He has met anyone, because I haven't.
That is childish, I know, but sometimes I have to let the child in me out and play havoc.
And in a way I do feel insecure, what IF I don't meet anyone?
If I look at it reasonable, I know it is unlikely that I will be on my own for the rest of my life, BUT there is a small chance...for all of us i suppose..that we wont meet the man/woman of our dreams, and end up in a rocking chair with our knitting and 50 cats who are all called "Binky" in the end because we have gotten so old we cant remember who is actually Binky and who is Fluff?
I realise I am about to wake old ghosts and demons from the past, so I will stop this right here and put some happy music on and relax for a while.
I'm working tomorrow as well, which I'm not used to, my last job in England i was lucky enough to mainly work Monday - Friday with the very occasional Saturday or Sunday, never both.
I hope you all have a good weekend without any heartbreak or misery.
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