I'm thinking of how strange people are, and how great but sometimes confusing it is to my poor brain.
Today I was told that one of our colleagues had a baby girl on Saturday morning.
I'm really happy for him, even though I have only met and worked with him a couple of times he seems very nice and likable and babies are always great.
So I asked if they have decided on a name yet?
Yes, she will be called Humla, and for you who don't speak Swedish, I will tell you that it means bumble bee.
Yes you read it correctly, BUMBLE BEE!
I remember a neighbour I had in Ramsgate who named their boy Keel, as in "the keel of the boat"
I feel this "trend" of weird names have got to stop soon, because some names are bordering on child abuse.
Whats next?
I wonder what it will be like for these children growing up and going for job interviews for example.
"Hello my name is Keel and I'm the CEO of Panasonic"
If I was to meet a new colleague and she introduced herself as bumble bee I would seriously think she would then say "Smile, your on candid camera"
If anyone wanders no I don't have any children of my own, but "Emma" and "Sara" and "Oliver" and "Rasmus" are top of my lists of names.
Something else I'm finding strange are people who are being mystical about their sexuality.
I know of someone who is talking a lot about her "boo" and that she misses her "boo" and she has been to "boos" house and had a great time etc etc...
She used to have a boyfriend (who wasn't very nice, so good riddance of him, I say) but I have now realised that "boo" is a girl.
At first I wasn't sure if she was just playing around and calling her best friend boo?
But today i saw on facebook, someone asked her "Who is boo????"
And she said "Its my other half aka ***(girls name)"
So now I really want to ask her if she is a lesbian now?
Or is she just being mystical and make people (like me) insanely curious??
It doesn't matter if she is gay or straight or just greedy (other people call it bi...) or if she is going through a "faze".
And if it is the case that she is gay now, but in a few years time changes her mind, that is fine too.
I just want to know!
As I have written before, I AM very curious about other peoples lives, so I feel that my curiosity is justified..
I just wish that people could tell me straight:
"Listen Mia, this is what is happening in my life right now, and when something changes, you will the first to know.
That way I know, and I don't have to ponder so much.
What strangeness have you experienced today?
This blog post?
It was a bit strange, wasn't it?
Hope you like it anyway.
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