So the weirdness is back in my dreams, I didn't expect the peace to last very long to be honest.
I dreamt that Sally was about to divorce Alex because he decided to sleep for an extra 5 Min's one morning.
I told her I thought she was making a big mistake and that it was a bit drastic to divorce someone for sleeping another 5 Min's one morning..
But she wasn't listening, just kept on shouting that she had had enough and deserved better.
Then she threw the laundry around the room so I ended up under a big sheet. At which point I decided to pretend that I was a ghost and would scare Sally into not file for divorce.
When i came out from underneath the sheet I was not in Sally's house but in the supermarket where my parents live, and I was due to hand out lactulose to someone.
As i opened the sachet (I don't know why it was stored in a sachet..) I noticed there was some writing on the inside and it was my handwriting, which I just couldn't understand, but I saw that my previous team leader was standing a bit ahead of me so I wandered over to talk to her.
She laughed and and said:
"Have you seen my scumbag of husband today? I'm divorcing him!"
Which I also found bizarre since she has actually been divorced for several years and is now married to a woman..
I wanted to ask her about the writing in the lactulose sachet but there was two blond women standing in front of me and for some reason I lost my temper completely and shouted "Get out of my fucking way you fucking bimbos"
I was circling them like a wild animal getting ready to attack their dinner, and hissing and spitting at them, but they just laughed at me.
Is anyone good with interpreting dreams?
What does these dreams mean??
And why don't I ever have "normal" dreams like I arrive to work naked or that I'm falling off a cliff or being chased by a monster?
Going to bed soon, wonder what surprises tonight will bring?
Night night
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