I was rudely awaken by the plumbers at 06:54 this morning, I found it rather annoying since I carefully explained yesterday, that they need to ring the doorbell belonging to the lady who owns the property (I also showed them which doorbell is hers..) I refused to get out of bed however and tried to go back to sleep, but it doesn't happen when there is a big burly plumber whistling and singing outside your door.
I suppose its not very common in Sweden to have a house turned into separate flats and it made me laugh when he asked me with terror in his voice if I was "being kept" in the basement as I came out to go to work.
I had to open the door again and show the poor bastard that it was actually a fully contained flat...
My training course went ahead today (finally) it was OK, same things I have had training days about 14 times in England, but I don't mind them too much and the woman who was talking to us was nice and quite funny.
On my way back I was caught in the rain however, I was wearing a white vest and a silver/grey cardigan (which today proved to also become see through when wet)
I looked like someone who got lost and against their will ended up in a "Miss wet t-shirt" competition.
I say against their will, because i wasn't jumping around laughing like a lunatic trying to get my nipples as erect as possible.
When I finally got through the door at home I was a shivering mess, my hair was hanging limp, makeup was smudged and wet clothes was clinging to me in a most uncomfortable way.
I was fantasizing about a lush warm shower and hair wash, but, no..
My landlady's 19 year old son, is in my shower room (my flat is THAT small, the shower had to be fitted in the hallway, outside my door) tidying up after the plumber.
He gave me one of those "looks" that only a 19 year old boy can give you, had I been 19 myself i would have thought "Oh my god he is SO cute!"
Now all I was thinking was "Oh my god I feel like Ive violated the poor boy" and I was fumbling with the keys so much that he offered to help me since "I looked cold and like I needed to get out of my wet clothes"
I am wondering: Shall i feel insulted or flattered?
Was he trying to help the lonely woman who rents the flat below him and his mum?
Or was he being fresh?
I will put it to the back of my mind and hopefully he will do the same, hopefully he wont be waiting for me when I go to have a shower in a little while.
I'm looking forward to my shower before bed time.
Night all, hope you didn't get caught in the rain.
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