In our local daily news paper, you could yesterday read an article about a man, who works on a specially build boat which he steers around our canal and picks up all the junk and rubbish people throw in. Apparently there is a pattern of what he will find, depending on season.
In the spring time it is bikes that are found mostly, this year he has so far fished up 122 bikes from the depts of the canal.
I'm not very surprised upon hearing this, there are millions and millions of bikes in Malmo, that is the first thing all the English visitors (well all 3 of them) Ive had with me home during the years have said when they arrive at the train station.
"Ive never seen so many bikes in my life".
There is however something else he has found in the water.
Even though the article doesn't give an exact NR, we are led to believe that it hasn't been just one or two..as the bikes was mostly found in the spring time, dildos are more common in the summer.
And one day he found one that was still "running". (I wonder which one that was? How great would a water proof dildo be?)
We discussed this at work today, and we were all baffled at what posses someone to bring their dildo from home just to throw it in the canal?
(The canal doesn't run round the whole city, just in the central part)
The male colleague had the theory that it has to be women who travels and forgot they had it in their handbag and didn't want the embarrassment in customs, so they would throw it in the canal before they took the train to Copenhagen and board a plane to some hot shot city.
The young female colleague had two different theories.
1) It is more likely that you will meet a new boyfriend in the summer, so after a few good shags you throw the dildo away with a shout of joy of not needing it anymore. (Word of advice girl friend, keep it, come November you might need it again) But then we are back to the question of: "Why bring it from home to the canal???"
2) Every year is a "dildo race" amongst women, who can throw their dildo the furthest? Obviously the one that was still running won...
My own theory was that someone has done it just to see if it was brought up in media? Just to baffle people. To get us all talking. Maybe someone will even start a "group" on facebook? "Dildo throwers in Malmo-are you one of them?"
The conversation then moved onto a shop in our town, where the older female colleague's friend works. It is a shop that sells sexy lingerie but apparently you can also go there to rent a movie, go into a booth with a TV and pleasure yourself..
Again I wonder: Why?
Why not do that at home, in your own comfort, where your shoes don't stick to the floor?
The older female colleague explained that if you have children, you wont want to do that at home.
I wont divulge into other peoples fantasies, sex lives or masturbation habits, but I was surprised to hear this from her, who, 10 Min's earlier had told us how her ex boyfriends son found her fluffy handcuffs and allowed him to play with them..
As you can hear, it has been a very productive day at work today.
When I came home I made cinnamon rolls, whilst watching Americas Next Top Model series 2.
I think I'm off for a shower now before visiting Paris Hilton's magical world.
I'm gonna put the rolls in the freezer, otherwise I will eat them all, and unfortunately that is no lie...
Tomorrow I'm meeting three great girls for dinner and drinks, looking forward to it.
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