This weekend started good, I met up with Micke after I finished work on Friday, he needed help moving some things he had stored at his mums flat whilst he has been in LA, and he doesn't have a Swedish driving license and needed someone to drive the van.
And that's where I come in, I have a "European" license so I can drive, I cant carry much up the stairs though...it was rather pathetic..
I managed to carry two boxes and a plant up the three flights of stairs in Micke's building, then my asthma kicked in and I sat panting in his lounge fanning myself with an envelope, poor Micke had to carry the chairs and the rest of his Cd's by himself.
It was probably the last time he asked me to help him move anything.
I then got to prove just what a dumb blond I actually am.
We obviously had to take the van back to the garage and I put my foot down to get some speed, but the car just rolled on very very slowly, I looked at Micke and wondered what on earth was wrong?
I pushed the accelerator to the bottom, but still nothing happened..
Two cars overtook us and the drivers shook their heads at me and I felt so stupid, and it just got worse when I actually realised that the car had conked out...and I didn't realise..I just kept trying to drive..
Micke laughed until he nearly wet himself.
There is an off license around the corner from where the van was rented and Micke went to buy some wine for our dinner, and came out with a magnum 1.5 litre bottle of "Chapel Hill" a Hungarian sparkling wine AND a normal sized bottle of wine.
The photo at the top is of Micke and the bottle.
We got a taxi home (so white trash) and Micke went to get our take away while I tried to freshen myself up (without success)
We ate gorgeous Thai food (my favourite) the wine was cool and the conversation flowed nicely.
We stood by his french balcony and breathed in the atmosphere from the square where he lives.
It was such a lovely night, we listened to old euro techno from "the good old days" and the more we drank, the more Micke spilled on the floor and the table.
He tried to blame it on the glasses and I told him it was he who was too drunk, but when I tried to pour the wine myself (we had at this time moved on to the sparkling stuff) I realised that there was definitely something wrong with them, they are designer glasses and very flash, so I'm sure they are faulty in one way or the other which makes it virtually impossible not to spill.
After that the wetex cloth (jay cloth in English) was kept in the lounge with us.
I took a taxi home just after 01.00 and after a much needed shower I took my tipsy booty to bed.
On Saturday morning I woke at 8am and threw my clothes in the wash (I had been sensible enough not to start the washing machine at 1.30 am, somehow I don't think my neighbours would have appreciated that..) and then went back to bed for an hour.
At 9.30 I got a phone call from work asking if I could come in a bit early since a staff member had gone home sick, so I started work 4 hrs early and worked til 21.00.
Yesterday must have been the hottest day ever!
I had to go shopping for a client and I pressed myself against the house facades to avoid the burning sun.
I stayed at my parents house last night, my room was unbearably hot and I think I only got three hours sleep, it was too hot even though I had the window open.
I then worked 09.00-19.00 which wasn't as painful as yesterday since today has given us winds and clouds and a promise of rain.
My colleague did a funny thing though, she filled a saucepan with cold water and then threw it on the balcony, she said it would freshen the air and encourage the rain to fall.
I have never heard that before, and there is still no rain, so I'm not convinced it works..
When I finally came home I was greeted by a rather vile smell coming from my kitchen sink.
It smells of dirty drains,which is just awful.
My mum says its because I live in a basement flat, and I live partially under ground, which means all the water and waste stops with me, not nice and not fair if you ask me, but I will cope for a year, by which time I will hopefully have won the lottery and can by a nice flat in the marina and a small farm where I can write and make pottery.
Its been a great weekend, despite the heat and I have THAT feeling in my tummy again, that feeling I cant really explain, but I think it is the fire that is slowly starting again.
The fire I have been looking and searching for, for some time now, it has been so long since I last felt it, that I'm a little bit scared I wont recognise it and maybe mistake it for hunger and choke it to death...but I am pretty certain, that it is the fire that is coming back.
I'm gonna embrace it and and greet it like an old friend who I haven't seen but missed dearly for a long long time.
I will leave you with one of the euro techno trash songs me and Micke listened to (and translated to Swedish) on Friday.
I will say no more.
Ace of Base "The sign" (Jag sag en skylt)
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