I have had a really good night sleep and woke up feeling rested, but with a rather sore back.
I am watching the last episodes of SATC (for the umpteenth time I guess) and again I start to think about the women's relationships to each other, their friendship, and I remember I used to have the same thoughts about the characters in "Friends".
Is that real friendship?
OK, I want make it clear that I know both "Friends" and SATC are fiction, and I don't think that I would run into either Carrie or Rachael if I went to New York.
But at the end of the day, both series (and pretty much everything fictional we see on TV) are about a group of friends.
So what I am wondering is, aren't they sometimes a bit harsh on each other?
For example, when Carrie decides to move to Paris with the Russian, Miranda is making her feelings about it very clear. She thinks Carrie is stupid for leaving her job and flat in New York to go and live with a man who will pay for everything.
And Carrie turns around and says "Then don't you move to Paris with him"
I agree with Miranda, that Carrie shouldn't move to Paris with the Russian, but that is because I find him rather repulsive.
I'm not overly keen on Big either to be honest, I always thought Carrie was best suited with Aidan and it wasn't until I watched the movie and in the end, where Carrie says "It wasn't logic, It was love" that I got it. What she saw in Big.
But back to the friendships.
I think of the episode where Rachael and Monica are "fighting" over who shall go out with Jean Claude van Damme and they end up ruining each others purse and favourite jumper. I don't know if any of my own friendships could survive something like that?
Does that mean that my friends and I are very shallow and cant forgive each other?
Personally I think I have some very strong relationships with my friends, but I don't think we would ever end up so angry that we would pour marinara sauce in each others handbags.
Neither could I ever imagine saying to a friend that she is stupid and that if she gets involved with the same man who broke her heart again, I wont be there for her anymore.
Maybe it is me who has got the meaning of friendship wrong?
Maybe that is what friends do?
Tell each other that we are stupid idiots?
I just hope that none of my friends would ever tell me that I am a fool for believing in love and putting my everything into my relationships.
Rachael and Monica. Fighting. Over a man.....
Watching this clip again makes me giggle and I get a mental image in my head.
Of what IF me and Donna would argue like this?
I think we would get to the part where I rip her sock off (lets face it, I am stronger than her...ha ha) and then we would be in a heap on the floor, probably crying with laughter.
1 comment:
well you got that 1 right but friend's are friend's no matter what happen's to them. and p.s i miss ya bab's yep that's so you know who i am x
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