This weekend is a long weekend for me, I have three whole glorious days where I don't have to go into work. Well it is now only two left of it..but still.
Yesterday I cleaned my flat and did all my laundry, in the afternoon me and Micke took the bus to Ikea to look for a lamp for him. Note to self: Friday afternoons, Ikea is pretty much deserted.
I bought myself a wok and a sieve.
When I lived in England I couldn't survive without my wok, I have now lived in Sweden for nearly 4 months and managed just fine without one, but I don't want to risk it much longer.
Again we felt the need to take a taxi home, but instead of Thai take away we went down to the local "Indian Express" for dinner.
There is unfortunately nothing express about it, we were first told that we couldn't sit at a table for four because of the festival and they were hoping for a lot of guests, the host then showed us to a table set for three where one chair was facing the wall in the corner.
We over heard the customer next to us asking for a cup of tea but he was denied it and asked to leave instead.
But the food was really nice and we ate until our bellies felt like they were about to split.
Micke had bought a new lamp at Ikea, which he wanted me to help him put together.
You can see the picture of it at the top, and imagine how "fiddly" it was.
It took us over an hour to put all the pieces together but since we had opened the "bag in the box" everything seemed so much more fun.
Micke who has just discovered Spotify, made music lists and again we listened to fabulous trashy music.
I was just about to go home when Rickard turned up, so I stayed and chatted for a bit longer, drank some more wine and didn't get home until 02.30 this morning.
Happy, but unbelievably tired.
Today I slept til gone 10am...something I haven't done since I was a teenager.
I'm not sure what today has in store for me, the weather seems to be glorious, from what I can see from my basement windows, so I think it will have to be a day out somewhere.
I hope you enjoy your day, I will leave you with one of the great songs we listened to last night.
I don't know much about clothes and things but my hair looks fierce!
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