Thursday, 12 February 2009

Me like an American?

I am watching a program about making it big in Hollywood, or I shouldnt say that im watching it because its on in the background and Im also listening to music so I cant really follow what they are talking about.
I did however catch parts of a conversation about how shallow American people are.
Obviously I wont judge ALL Americans on the ones Ive had the (mis?)fortune to meet, but I have to say I kind of agree, a little bit, that Americans can sometimes come across as slightly shallow.
I suppose its the way they smile at you when you walk into a shop, I always wonder if they have more teeth than us Europeans?
It looks like there are at least 50 teeth, always so bright withe that sun glasses should be provided by the door so not to blind you.
And then with all these teeth they say "Hi how are ya today?" "Where have ya been Today?" "What can I help ya with today?"
Why do they need to know where Ive been?
If they dont aprove does that mean Im not allowed to shop with them?

When you leave they walk you to the door and again blind you with all those teeth and "Have a nice day now" is normally in the repitoire aswell....

This brings me back to one cold rainy evening when I was still living in Sweden, so I guess I could have been 18 or 19 years old..?
I had been to the cinema (and fell asleep in the chair) with some friends and was standing by the bus stop waiting for the bus to take me home.

A man comes up to me and asks for the time and then just casually asks me:
"You are like an American arent you?"
Erm....what do you answer to that?
He carries on saying "You look sort of shallow"
I still dont know what to say but feel rather insulted to be attacked like this and called shallow by a complete stranger who Ive never met before. Hmpf!

I think it was shortly after that I decided not to move to America but to go to London instead and thankfully nobody has ever accused me of being shallow again.
I did however get mistaken for Madonna in Leicester square once...
But after the two youngsters went on to call my (female and white) friend "Dennis Rodman" I realised they must be affected by some A class drug...and I couldnt be neither flattered or offended.....
I think my friend was however crushed for weeks after

(I would put a picture of Madonna and Dennis Rodman here but I still havent figured out how to, watch this will happen)

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