Saturday, 14 February 2009

Valentines night, part 2

On Thursday afternoon I found myself wondering if my housemates would go away this weekend, since it is Valentines after all and their boyfriends (and girlfriend) lives in France and up in Birmingham.
When I came home last night I was in for a treat however.
They had all come down HERE for the weekend.
My housemates are OK, we never have any disputes and as Ive said before I don't see them much due to my unsociable working hours
But as I walked into the kitchen last night after a lovely but draining evening with him I was greeted by 8(!) people sitting in the kitchen polishing off a romantic dinner. It must have been the 4 french people cooking...because every single pan was in the sink and the smell of garlic hit me in the face like a brick wall.

I just got a drink and retired to my bedroom and shortly after I could hear them all coming up the stairs and going to their bedrooms.
The only thing i was thinking about was to be allowed to drift off into a deep dreamless slumber, but fate wanted different.

I was blissfully thinking that the walls in this house are more or less soundproof since the only time I can hear my house mates are when they are walking up and the stairs.
Last night I was proven wrong, so today I went to buy earplugs, since I'm going to work early tomorrow morning and I can already hear the bed springs above me, even though I'm playing my music louder than appropriate at 11.30pm

So I will bid you all a goodnight, I hope it was magic and that you got yours

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