I am thinking about the saying "I'm getting old" that we seem to be saying a lot more these days, and younger and younger people say it.
And I'm starting to feel that the saying "You are only as old as you feel" has more truth to it than anything else.
I don't feel old.
I cant say that I miss being young because in my heart I still am young (you who read my blog posts regularly might remember I once wrote that I live my life like a 22 year old student) and I have my whole life ahead of me.
Most of the time that is how I feel anyway, sometimes when I look at my friends, who are married with 1-4 children I think "My goodness, you are too young for this!"
Then on the other hand I think: "Or maybe not? Maybe I am the one who will soon be too old to get pregnant? (I am then comforted about articles about 70 year old women in India who gives birth to twins. I would however like to point out that I don't intend on being that old when I give birth)
I wonder about people who affect our lives, who helps to "form" us into the people we are and who we become later on in life, and I remember a teacher I had during my last year in college who once said: "If you have nothing good to say, maybe it is better sometimes not to say anything at all" and I realise i have lived by that for most of my life.
I very rarely vent my opinions unless someone specifically asks me to.
And if I have a negative opinion I try say it as gently as I can but still making sure i am being understood.
I don't like confrontations and when meet people who feel the need to let their opinion be heard I just let them talk and accept them for who they are.
Maybe I shouldn't do that anymore?
When people say "This is who I am, this is what I am, you have to take me or leave me", maybe I should just say "No, I wont. Because you don't accept me for who I am, you don't accept me for what I am. You don't accept that I like to keep the peace around me, I don't like arguments or people who shout "just to let off steam"
It has to be equal, right?
If people don't like me for who I am, then why should I like them for who they are?
Then I'm thinking that life will be a bit boring if there only was calm quiet people around me, I think we all need a balance of "up-beat" and tranquility.
Its a shame that peoples need for a "buzz" is bigger than their need for serenity.
Am I feeling like this because I am getting old?
Am I self reflecting because I am now closer to the day I will die than to the day I was born?
We cant know that obviously, I'm just saying...
I feel myself becoming more curious about "the peace of the soul" and being at peace with myself, to stop the constant battle and beatings.
Is that what getting old is all about?
Or is that just growing up?
Am I finally growing up?
Or am I growing old?
Are there things I would like to do, that is just "too late"
I know of people who almost have a list they tick off.
19 years of age, have serious boyfriend. TICK
21 years of age, be promoted to assistant manager at my company. TICK
23 years of age, get married. TICK
24 years of age, buy bigger house. TICK
25 years of age, have baby NR 1. TICK
27 years of age, have baby NR 2. TICK
29 years of age, have baby NR 3. TICK
And so on and so on....
I wonder, what happens if things don't go as planned?
Do you stop living?
Are you a failure then?
Obviously it is good to have hopes, dreams and goals, but why the hysteric rush?
Why not take it easy and enjoy the journey a bit?
Am I now talking like an old Grannie?
Maybe I am getting old?
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