Ive been to part 2 of the medication course today.
There was a girl with the most annoying voice, ever!
It physically hurt my ears, I tell you.
It was high pitched and whiny and I wanted to slap her every time she opened her mouth.
Not because of what she was saying, she seemed bright and that she knew what she was talking about (so obviously she wanted to show how clever she was, which meant that I spent most of the 3.5 hours gritting my teeth)
The class dragged on so I missed the first half of Americas Next top model, Not impressed!!
My landlady has just been here to clean out the pipes under both sinks, they were not too sweet smelling.
She is a lovely lady and I like her a lot, even though I cringe when she talks in her broad accent.
She smelled very faint of alcohol, like she has had a glass of wine with her Friday night dinner that her lover has cooked for her and I feel a little bit jealous.
I would also like to have dinner with my loved one, share a bottle of wine and talk about our day and our upcoming summer holiday.
Last night was the third night in a row, when I had a dream about Him and His new girlfriend.
I'm not bothered if He does have a new girlfriend, but it makes me a bit unsettled to dream about Him like this.
It puts me on edge for the rest of the day, and it is now three days...and I'm thinking of Him more than I want to and I'm wondering if I miss Him or if its just because of stupid dreams.
It is just the stupid dreams, and the fact that I'm yet again sat indoors, on my own, on a Friday night, with just Buffy and the gang for company.
It well and truly sucks with a capital S!
I don't feel like I can terrorise my friends anymore with suggestions of get togethers.
I don't want to be a royal pain in the arse to them so they wish I just went back to live in England.
I know they don't, I know it is just me being over dramatic, but tonight I feel really lonely for the first time since I came home.
It will be better tomorrow, once Ive had some more sleep.
Last night wasn't as good as I had hoped, I kept one mattress under my new mattress, but it was a bit like "The princess on the pea"
Is it called that in English?
About a queen who wants to find a princess wife for her son, so she makes a bed out of 100 different mattresses and at the bottom she puts a small pea.
When the girls start arriving claiming to be princesses, the queen lets them sleep in the bed and in the morning, when she asks them how they slept, they all say they have slept wonderfully, so the queen knows they are not true princesses.
But one rainy night a girl comes to the door and asks if she can spend the night since she is lost.
The queen lets her sleep in the bed with the pea underneath, and in the morning when she asked the girl how she has slept, the girl says she hasn't slept at all, the mattress was SO uncomfortable and she has felt something poking her in the back all night.
That way the queen knew that she was a real princess and she could marry her son, the prince.
I'm pretty sure it is H.C Anderson who wrote it..I remember it as a fairly long tale..and I have just comprised it to 11 lines..
Oh well..
I'm gonna light some candles and snuggle up on my bean bag, watching Buffy come back from the dead.
Have a great Friday night all.
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