It is the afternoon after the night before, and I'm finally home from work, its been a good shift even though I thought it would never end.
Last night was the night I have been looking forward to (a bit nervously) for about a month.
The night out with some of the girls I went to elementary school with.
I needn't have been nervous, because (and with risk of sounding like an American 15 year old) "It was, like, AWESOME"
We talked as if we had never been separated by what is called our life.
There really was no awkwardness, and I don't think the fact that the wine was flowing generously had anything to do with it.
I have always known that I have a weird kind of memory, I remember the first letters we learned in school (O and then S) I remember who wore a hat with a real hatpin when we finished year one (Linda) and I remember what colour Sophie's top was on the very first day in school (turquoise) and I always thought it made me look a bit like a stalker, but last night it paid off.
It was so much fun to talk about that time and shriek with laughter.
Because we did, at times I'm sure we sounded like the aunties in "Practical Magic" when they are making margaritas, but it was worth it.
We said we have to meet up again and I really hope that we will, it was such a brilliant night.
We said that next time we will meet at someones house so we can talk a bit more without loud music around us.
I am already making a list of questions that I need answers to (you will remember that I have told you how curious I am)
*First time drunk?
*Best drunken memory?
*Best holiday?
*Worse piece of clothing bought?
*Best date?
*Worst date?
*When and to whom lost your virginity?
We did say that we would invite the the boys next time...but I'm sensing that we need another girls only night.....ha
And then I will NOT be working the next morning.
I am snuggled up in my beanbag, drinking soft drinks and watching "What happens in Vegas", one of my favourite films.
I'm heading for the shower soon and then bed.
Night all.
Hope you had just as good a weekend as I did and enjoying the photos.
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