Ive woken up with an excruciating pain in my back, I can hardly move, it is awful, I think I need to see a doctor now.
But nothing is just plain simple, I need to register with "Forsakrings kassan" which can, if I'm unlucky take up to 6 months....
BUT the doctor can call them and ask if I have filled in all the forms so I am allowed to be ill.
I then have to choose which doctor I want to go to, it doesn't have to be the clinic closest to where i live.
I can see that it is a good thing, but a pain for someone who can never make their mind up.
Like me...
I talked to Betty via Skype last night, she said that my spelling is ATROCIOUS!
And I wonder, how can it be?
I use spell check!!
And Ive always took pride in that my spelling has always been better than 80% of the English people that I have met. (Please don't take offense English friends, I love you, I really do.)
Anyway, it was great talking to her, but made me miss her and other people more.
I am still happy that I moved home, and I'm not thinking about moving back, but the thing that I was fearing the most is showing to be true..I am quite lonely.
Maybe I should be a bit more patient?
I haven't been home two months yet, so maybe I should just chill out and give it some time?
I'm just not a very patient person unfortunately.
I hope you all have a great Sunday.
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