I'm bored!
Really really bored.
Today, I wish I was back in England because its the launch of this years Big Brother.
I wish I was with Donna, eating shish kebab, drinking lambrini and laughing and cringing at the contestants.
"Release the freaks" is normally written on at least five banners..
Yes, I have to agree, most of the contestant seems like freaks when they first enter..but after a couple of weeks their true, boring selves normally come out.
After the first, and up to, I think the fifth series I wanted nothing more than to be in the Big Brother house myself.
Now I don't think I can think of anything worse, being couped up in a house with a bunch of people you don't know?
The Swedish big brother show was cancelled some years ago, because everyone was just shagging each other left right and centre, already on the launch night.
Like bloody rabbits!
Its people like this who give the rest of us swedes a reputation of being sex mad nymphomaniacs.
Its just selfish greed I say!
Not thinking of the rest of us who travel and live in other countries who has to deal with sleaze bags who get that "look" in their eyes when you say that you are Swedish and then the line comes.
That disgusting, insulting, line that will gross you out and scar you for life:
"Ahh, fucki fucki on beach, yes?"
Erm, how shall I put this in a polite way..?
"NO you wanker, leave me alone!"
And then they find it funny to think that you are playing hard to get.....and try to persuade you with an even worse line
"I know how to treat woman, make you scream all night"
Yeah, still, NO you gross gross sweaty little bald man!
How did I get on to this subject?
Funny how your mind works isn't it?
If I say: "Birds nest" what is the first thing that pops into your head?
An actual birds nest? or someone with bad hair?
Then where does your mind take you?
Eggs? Bacon? A day when you had a particular delicious breakfast? After a night filled with passionate love making?
With a stranger?
Do you remember?
Or did you go down a different lane?
About the day when you had exceptionally bad hair?
After you allowed your newly qualified hairdresser friend cut your hair?
And you then got caught in the rain?
And missed your bus, so had to walk home, with water in your shoes and you caught a cold which then developed into pneumonia?
And you couldn't go to work for a month?
So couldn't pay your rent and was kicked out of your flat?
So you now live in a box under a bridge?
Funny thing our mind.
Don't you think?
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