Well it's not that early..but I am feeling a bit fragile this morning. I had a great time at C and G's "birthday hangout" last night, and I must have drank more than I can remember, it feels like I have a man with a concrete drill in my head. Or it was the champagne...I dont take too well to champagne...
C and G know some music people who had brought their guitars, so we got live entertaining which was very nice. It set the tone to a very relaxed chilled out evening and even though I only knew a few people it felt like I was amongst a big bunch of friends.
G had made tapas and they had a huge chocolate cake which was delicious!
Jeanette and Jimmy gave me a lift home at two am, I was very grateful not having to get a taxi, I have spent a small fortune on cab fares this week. I do not care for more snow in my shoes. Yesterday I bought new boots, so no more wet feet for me, I hope..
I am meeting up with Teddy later today, will be good to see her, havent seen her since I was in Stockholm in October.
And tomorrow I am working on my own, I have to say that I feel very nervous already, sick to my stomach actually. Or that might be the wine from yesterday?
I feel I need to have a shower and drink lots of water, so I hope you all have a very good Sunday.
I want to put a photo here..but I havent got a new one...and I wont take a random picture of my bookcase just so I can show off.
But maybe a song?
Ahh yes this one...a summer song that the musical people friends played yesterday, and I like to listen to now, when summer seems so far away and all I long for is warm summer evenings chilling with friends and have that warm feeling of peace in your heart.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Last early saturday morning in January
I woke up at seven this morning, that is a downside to getting up early every morning, I cant sleep for very long at the weekends either. During the christmas period I got used to sleeping til at least ten everyday, sometimes even past eleven, but to be fair I was up coughing and sneezing during the night...
I dont actually mind waking up early, of course it depends on how early...but I quite like getting up, having some breakfast, read my book then have a nap around eleven...
I finished my "shadowing period" yesterday, so from Monday I am on my own...have I told you what I will be doing? Probably not...but from Monday I am the P.E teacher AND the I.T teacher...
Yes go on, laugh....then get it out of your system and just support me, I think this is my biggest challenge yet actually...
I will ease myself into it and hopefully this time next month I will feel more relaxed about it, I have great colleagues who are very supportive, helpful and friendly so I dont feel nervous about asking for help should I need to.
More snow arrived yesterday, tonnes of it. I got home around six when it had just started snowing, then I lit candles and cosied up in my chair and watched tv all night. It was lovely, I unintentionally shut the world out and didnt realise all the snow until I got ready for bed.
I dont feel as annoyed with it today, not yet anyway, but later tonight I am going to C and G's house for a bithday hangout, I might be a bit annoyed then..
There is a swedish, childrens, winter song playing on a loop in my head, it goes like this: "Yes look it's snowing, yes look its snowing, isnt it fun, Hurrah, Now the winter is here like we wished for Hurrah"
I would like to know who wished for this???

This is my basement steps, not much steps come to think about it, more like a small ski slope..

Yes I know it is pretty....but as I have said before, enough now...
Someone once said to me "You are never satisfied with the weather are you?"
And I guess no I am not...it very rarely is just right...I prefer summer evenings, when the air is warm, not boiling hot..I do like summer days too, if I can just lie still and not have to work and be out in the sveltering heat.
And I love the rain, when I can be indoors and just hear the raindrops patter on my windowsill, and I also like the snow very much, I would just like it a bit more if there was winter tyres on my parents car so I wouldn't be isolated...
Yes there we go again...the biggest reason to me not liking the snow, is because I cant go anywhere without getting snow in my shoes, nobody can say that is a nice thing about winter...
Today is the last saturday of January, the day after tomorrow we enter February, which feels good, it is a short month before March when the spring is getting closer and the weather will be milder, well at least I hope it will be milder anyway...
The time is now half past eight and I need my breakfast.
Have a great weekend all.
I dont actually mind waking up early, of course it depends on how early...but I quite like getting up, having some breakfast, read my book then have a nap around eleven...
I finished my "shadowing period" yesterday, so from Monday I am on my own...have I told you what I will be doing? Probably not...but from Monday I am the P.E teacher AND the I.T teacher...
Yes go on, laugh....then get it out of your system and just support me, I think this is my biggest challenge yet actually...
I will ease myself into it and hopefully this time next month I will feel more relaxed about it, I have great colleagues who are very supportive, helpful and friendly so I dont feel nervous about asking for help should I need to.
More snow arrived yesterday, tonnes of it. I got home around six when it had just started snowing, then I lit candles and cosied up in my chair and watched tv all night. It was lovely, I unintentionally shut the world out and didnt realise all the snow until I got ready for bed.
I dont feel as annoyed with it today, not yet anyway, but later tonight I am going to C and G's house for a bithday hangout, I might be a bit annoyed then..
There is a swedish, childrens, winter song playing on a loop in my head, it goes like this: "Yes look it's snowing, yes look its snowing, isnt it fun, Hurrah, Now the winter is here like we wished for Hurrah"
I would like to know who wished for this???
This is my basement steps, not much steps come to think about it, more like a small ski slope..
Yes I know it is pretty....but as I have said before, enough now...
Someone once said to me "You are never satisfied with the weather are you?"
And I guess no I am not...it very rarely is just right...I prefer summer evenings, when the air is warm, not boiling hot..I do like summer days too, if I can just lie still and not have to work and be out in the sveltering heat.
And I love the rain, when I can be indoors and just hear the raindrops patter on my windowsill, and I also like the snow very much, I would just like it a bit more if there was winter tyres on my parents car so I wouldn't be isolated...
Yes there we go again...the biggest reason to me not liking the snow, is because I cant go anywhere without getting snow in my shoes, nobody can say that is a nice thing about winter...
Today is the last saturday of January, the day after tomorrow we enter February, which feels good, it is a short month before March when the spring is getting closer and the weather will be milder, well at least I hope it will be milder anyway...
The time is now half past eight and I need my breakfast.
Have a great weekend all.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
The weekend just flew....
Look what I can do.....I taught myself!! I took some photos of the bridge between Sweden and Denmark when me and Betty was there on Monday, and now I can upload them!! I am just so clever.. Now all I need to learn is how to put the photo wherever I want on the page, not just at the top..but lets take it one step at a time.
Betty arrived Friday morning last week. I picked her up from the airport in Denmark and then we drove home, bought some "picky-bits" and had a lovely lunch with loads of gossip and laughter.
Betty the poor thing had been up since 04.00am so she really needed a nap, and I was quite tired too, so we said we would sleep for an hour and then go out.
Three hours later we woke up...so decided that pizza was the way to go, and we then carried on catching up and talking about everything that has and hasnt happened since I left in April last year.
On saturday we went up into town for a spot of shopping and some lunch, we didnt stay out for a long time, it was cold and we had a party to get ready for... and we felt we needed a nap that day aswell.
I had decided with my Swedish girlfriends to meet in Mello Yello at eight pm for a few drinks before hitting the dance floor.
Sofie arrived first, then Sandra, Jeanette, C, Sara and Marie.
All my favourite girls gathered in one place, and all getting along well, there was no animosity, they chatted amongst themselves and I felt so relaxed and at ease.
We then started our walk to Swing Inn but took a "pit-stop" at Faygans to warm up.
I think we arrived at Swing Inn around midnight, we had a little walk around since some of us had never been there before, then we settled on the dance floor.
I dont really know what more to say, we danced, drank coctails and laughed, it was brilliant.
By 03.00am a few of us decided that it was time to go home, my feet were hurting to the point it felt like they were bleeding. We went to McDonalds for "night time munchies" before getting in a cab and going home and getting into my warm wonderful bed. Well I went to my bed, Betty to her bed and I assume the others went to their beds...
Sunday morning we slept til noon, got showered and ready for dinner at my parents house. My mum had made a yummy fillet of pork with spicy creme fraise, salad and rice.
My dad then took us home and we watched "SATC the movie" and "The proposal".
A great chill out sunday.
The next day we were real tourists, we went to the park and skated on the ice (without skates though) had a wonder in the park, lunch and cake at Espresso house and then down to the beach and where you can get a great view of the bridge.
We took some great pictures (see top) and the day was great.
Betty had a great time, I am really glad I got to show her some of the city where I live and grew up.
It was a great weekend, I am exhausted and feel like I could sleep for a week, thank goodness it is Friday tomorrow.
Oh look look!! I did it did it!!!
Who is a clever lady?
Ahhh isn't it beautiful....
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Enough with the snow now!!!!
I know I should write about the weekend I have had and how good it has been, and I will, but I am in a bad mood and I cant focus on the positive, so it will have to wait until tomorrow or friday.
So what happened today?
Snow! That is what happened. And there is no one I can blame! Which is probably the most annoying frustrating thing.
I am frustrated with my parents for not putting winter tyres on the car so I have to catch the bus. It is a long walk to the bus stop from my house and then a long walk from the bus to the school, which today resolved in me getting my boots filled with snow. At one point I actually had snow in the back of my knee.
Just because no one is clearing the pavements as they should!
So I will probably find myself with another cold by the weekend. Just great!
I wont play a song, because it will just be something aggressive, with some heavy metal "singer" screaming "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" or something else frustrating.
So I will leave you, before I write something innappropriate and insult someone.
Hopefully I will be in a better mood tomorrow, I am now heading for a hot shower and a shot of whiskey.
Night all.
So what happened today?
Snow! That is what happened. And there is no one I can blame! Which is probably the most annoying frustrating thing.
I am frustrated with my parents for not putting winter tyres on the car so I have to catch the bus. It is a long walk to the bus stop from my house and then a long walk from the bus to the school, which today resolved in me getting my boots filled with snow. At one point I actually had snow in the back of my knee.
Just because no one is clearing the pavements as they should!
So I will probably find myself with another cold by the weekend. Just great!
I wont play a song, because it will just be something aggressive, with some heavy metal "singer" screaming "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" or something else frustrating.
So I will leave you, before I write something innappropriate and insult someone.
Hopefully I will be in a better mood tomorrow, I am now heading for a hot shower and a shot of whiskey.
Night all.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
I did it....

...and it was a total disaster....I could smell his funky breath from across the table, so no, there was no action when he dropped me off.
I wont be calling him and I will screen his calls if he calls again....
I have a thought in my mind. A really bitchy thought and it prooves that I am a bitch who doesnt deserve a relationship...but I cant help it...
There is a scene in SATC where Samantha's 60 year old neighbour with a "plastic hip" offers her to come in for a whine cooler or "something else" he says and raises his eyebrows in that way that so many people seem to think is sexy but to me is just disgusting.
Samantha thinks "Since when is it acceptable for a man like you to hit on a woman like ME?"
That is the thought that is running through my head now..
"Since when is it acceptable for a man like you to talk to a woman like ME?"
See! Total bitch!
I am watching So You Think You Can Dance and feeling pissed off.
The day after tomorrow Betty is coming and the weekend will be great!
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Comfortable! Comfortably numb?
I am sitting here, wondering and pondering...Have I just become comfortable in my own world. Am I quite happy sitting in a bubble watching the world go by, without joining in so without risk of being hurt?
Am I scared?
No I dont think so...I just dont want to go on this date..Because he is such a geek.
Should I go anyway?
To see a different side, and get to know the real him?
Am I making excuses?
"I am so busy now..I have so much to sort out"
"Work is really draining at the moment"
"I am still not feeling 100%, can we do it another time?"
All this makes me think that actually I am not ready.
Not ready to throw myself out there..but I never was, I never did just throw myself. Not into anything...
But I am also sitting here thinking, that yet another birthday has gone by, with no boyfriend, soon valentines day will be here...and it will be spent alone aswell.
But maybe that is how I deep inside want it?
Maybe I am comfortable?
So comfortable I am now numb?
Is it fear?
Or laziness?
I really hope I am wrong..but I have a sneaky feeling of a sleepness night coming on. Sore head, pounding heartand crumpled sheets, and not in the good way...
I am fine, I really am, just wondering really....
Am I scared?
No I dont think so...I just dont want to go on this date..Because he is such a geek.
Should I go anyway?
To see a different side, and get to know the real him?
Am I making excuses?
"I am so busy now..I have so much to sort out"
"Work is really draining at the moment"
"I am still not feeling 100%, can we do it another time?"
All this makes me think that actually I am not ready.
Not ready to throw myself out there..but I never was, I never did just throw myself. Not into anything...
But I am also sitting here thinking, that yet another birthday has gone by, with no boyfriend, soon valentines day will be here...and it will be spent alone aswell.
But maybe that is how I deep inside want it?
Maybe I am comfortable?
So comfortable I am now numb?
Is it fear?
Or laziness?
I really hope I am wrong..but I have a sneaky feeling of a sleepness night coming on. Sore head, pounding heartand crumpled sheets, and not in the good way...
I am fine, I really am, just wondering really....

It is my birthday today!
The children sang to me at work and we ate cake.
Talked to my boss and she offered me a nice salary, which I was really happy with.
I then had dinner at my parents house, my mum had made fillet steak with lots of different vegetables, then a crame cake for afters.
A perfect yum!
I got a perfume "Ange ou Demóns" by Givenchy, it smells flowery and fresh, and reminds me of Izzy Miyake. I also got flowers and a contribution to my holiday this summer.
So it has been a great day.
Really looking forward to the weekend when Betty is coming, and we are going out with my girlfriends here.
I have been gratulated all day, both by phone and emails.
Feel loved.
I will leave you with my happy birthday song sung by what was my favourite band in 1989-1991.... Hope you enjoy the cheesyness
Oh and anyone who is curious.....I am 25!
I stopped there some time ago....
Monday, 18 January 2010
The night before

I have had a nap, a power nap, since last night didnt turn out well...An hour sleep then awake til 3 am and the alarm set off at 6 am. So the nap has done me the world of good and I will now be awake till around 11 or midnight and then sleep to a more human time tomorrow morning. Which also, happens to be my birthday.
Yes one year older... That is all I will say on the subject.
Today I had my first day shadowing, it went well, I think, but I really want to have a few more days than planned. I am calling my boss tomorrow to see if it can be arranged.
I am almost at the end of my friends marathon, and have seen a lot of previously unseen fotage. Which is hilarious!
There is a part where Pheobe has a headache and Monica gives her a painkiller. It is without a doubt one of the funniest things I have ever seen, I watchd it yesterday afternoon, then again last night when I couldnt sleep and then again this morning to wake me up. And all three times I have been doubled over with laughing so much.
Or not so much laughing out loud as wheezing, I dont know about you, but when I have a cold and cough, I cant laugh...I just wheeze like a 70 year old chain smoker..
Pheobe at one point thinks that the leaflet that comes with all medicine is "a story" and once she has read the possible side affects, she obviously thinks she have them all. Face swelling, liver damage, infertility....
If you ever get the oportunity to see it, just watch it!
I tried to find it on Youtube, but no, it is not there...
So I shal play you a song instead
Sunday, 17 January 2010

So I went to bed, really early. I fell asleep but was woken by the phone and then I was awake. Thoughts running in my head, remains of a conversation still in my mind. How your own truth is percieved by other people, people who are close to you and have been there through the bad times, but still think that your life has been like a big parade, with song, dance and childrens laughter everyday.
It makes me think and reavulate even though I dont really want to reavulate, to get confirmation of what you deep in your subconcius have known, but was quite happy to ignore and live in naive bliss.
Relations are hard, and maybe it was me who wasnt honest, maybe I was secretive and didnt share my feelings and emotions when I should have done so, maybe when I needed it the most?
Again, I count my blessings and am grateful for the people who know me, really know me. But I realise that maybe it isnt the ones who I thought knew me better than I know myself, but instead it is the others, who has been an equally big part of my life but not in the same way.
It is the ones whose own truth lies parallell with my own, that came so close to me, that we had to step away from each other for a short while, before we could light the friendship fire once again.
And now we know that it will never fade, and it doesnt matter where in the world we are. Our friendship is solid.
And we know each others truth, and accept it for what it is and for the persons it has turned us into.
And that is fine, dont want it any other way.
Why so tired?

I am exhausted!
I dont understand why..
It is not even 7 pm and I am sitting here, nodding off. I am longing for my bed..but I guess it is a bit early to go to bed at seven?
Or not....?
I have been getting used to sleeping almost ten hours whilst being ill..so if I go to bed now, I will get nine hours sleep...
Thats it, decided, I am going to bed. Now!
Night all
Sorry no song today.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Im fed up now..

It is saturday night, and I am home, alone, watching Friends. Earlier today I went to Ikea and bought loads of candles. White and pale green candles which smells of apples and clean sheets (so it says on the box anyway)
Think I lit a few too many, I am now choking and got a head rush...so had to blow them all out and open the windows or I will pass out.
But at least my flat is clean and fresh and "white"...I have my eyes on some candle sticks and a white lantern that I want aswell.
I wonder if I can put the plant I had as a christmas tree outdoors now?
Even though it is still a bit of snow left?
Should work shouldnt it?
But still, it is saturday night and I am home alone, not been invited anywhere, which sucks. I did what so many advised me to do, told me that I would have so much fun and meet lots of new people. Well the last part was right.
Im not having that much fun though.
Tell me, what possesses someone to tell you the first time you meet, that you suffer with bipolar and depression??
I am not saying that these conditions is something to be ashamed of, but would you not wait at least a little while to give out that information? I could be a junkie who is after your medication?
And if we are totally honest, when we are now adults in our thirties, do we really believe in "love at first sight", isnt that something we believed would happen sometime before we turned 25...?
So is it wise to tell someone that you think they are "the big love of my life" after half an hour conversation?
It is so not attractive.
So, now Im blue, and will probably end up having a shower and go to bed with my book.
I hope you all have a better night than me.
Thursday, 14 January 2010

Something weird happened to me yesterday, I feel it needs a blogpost of its own actually...
I first need to tell you that Donna hasnt got internet connection at her flat yet, she was promised that the engineers would come out this week and connect her. I have eagerly awaited her email telling me that they have been and she would be connected to both msn and skype so that we can communicate easier.
On Monday I recieved a "friend request" on msn from someone called "lurelane" or similar. I figured it was Donna and that she had managed to connect to msn without my help (I know, I should have thought one step further, this is the girl who will try and swallow a soluble painkiller) so I added her. Yesterday we were online at the same time and she wrote "Hi honey, how are you today?" this is a normal greeting frase for us so I told her all about my cold, that I had been to the doctor and how rough I was feeling.
The response I got back was somewhat strange...: "Im just about to start my webcam sex with Jen, do you want to watch us?"
And I will blame the rest of the conversation on me being very ill and on strong cough medicine..so I was not completely clear in my head...but it went something like this:
ME: Who is Jen?
"Donna": My girlfriend
ME: Where is Sam?
"Donna": Im not with Sam anymore
ME: WHAT?? OMG What happened?? Are you ok?
"Donna": Im fine Jen is amazing, do you want to watch us f**k
ME: Er..no Im good you know...but where are you living?
"Donna": With Jen, she has an amazing p***y
At this point something clicks in my tiny little brain....and I asked:
"You are not Donna are you??"
"No, my name is Paris Im 19 years old and I want you to watch me on my webcam, I can show you how to do it for free"
I nearly dropped my laptop in the hurry to delete and block this woman...
Now I wonder...How did she get hold of my msn??
Is someone out there dragging the good Mia name through the mud??
Or what is going on?
So from now on, anyone who want to add me on msn will have to say "Hey its me...." if their name is not on their screen name. Simple!
I cant cope with more teenagers asking me for webcam sex...
Enough now people...

I am getting really annoyed now. It is the 14th of January and I can still see christmas decorations in some peoples windows....TAKE IT DOWN. Christmas is over. As much as I love it and I would love to put my own decorations up in mid November, I feel that on the 6th of January it must come down. I have cleaned my flat and my mum bought me tulips to bring spring to the house. I am aware of that spring might not come in January...but still...christmas is over, we have to wait another 11.5 months til next time....I love tulips, probably since my mum loves them and she would always buy tulips as soon as she had taken the christmas decorations down, so I do the same. I also look forward to buying lillies of the valley, because I have a perfect vase for them, and they smell gorgeous.
Do you know what else that really annoys me?
When people are careless with their grammar!
I dont mean when people dont know how to spell, my mum is dyslexic, I know several people who are and I myself misspell words sometimes. But it is when people write "I should of gone to to bed"..."I went to there house"... "I havent done nothing"...It is "I should HAVE gone to bed", "I went to THEIR house" and "I havent done ANYTHING".
It litterally makes my blood boil....
Phew..I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest..
There is just no excuse for bad grammar.
I feel much better in general today, the cough mixture has definately done the trick. Im not sure how long I should carry on taking it to be honest, it is not a big bottle so I might just finish it. I decided to stay at home tomorrow aswell, just to make sure I am one hundred percent well when I go back next week.
It is also my birthday on tuesday and on friday Betty is coming over for the weekend and I will (hopefully) celebrate with a bang. Or at least with a glass of wine.
I hope Betty wont get a chock when she sees my tiny tiny flat..I cant recall that she is claustrophobic...
I really look forward to seeing her and catch up.
What I am not sure if to look forward to or not is a possible date I might have on wednesday...Dont know why I agreed to go..I dont feel at all excited...but people have told me I have to get out there again...so I suppose I have nothing to loose?
But he looks like a duck....a duck with glasses, not so attractive.
But maybe once I get to know him I will find him irresisteble?
I will not think about it over the weekend, hopefully he wont bother me either, so I can have some time to miss him.
Right, so what song shal I play tonight?
I like the lyrics to this song, sort of how I want it..
Have a good evening all.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Off sick

I didnt go into work today, my boss called me just before eight am and woke me up. She sounded a bit "off" and asked if I suffer with lung problems a lot? And will this be a regular thing with me taking time off?
To a point I understand her, at the end of the day I have just been employed and now I am off sick, so it is fair enough that they might be nervous in case they have to pay me sick pay and another temp to cover me aswell. I get it, I really do, but since I know I am geniunely ill, I find it a bit upsetting that she doesnt seem to believe me but instead comes out with sarcastic comments about that it was stupid of me to go to London, that I should have stayed at home instead.
I have been to the doctor today, he was very nice and actually listened to me. I didnt feel rushed at all like I have felt a lot the last times I have seen a doctor. I have been given some strong cough medicine which should reduce the cough. I was warned that it will litterally put "a lid" on the cough and I might feel a bit drowsy from it. So far I am not impressed, I am coughing more than yesterday, my chest feels like it is on the verge of exploding and my glands are big as tennis balls.
I wont blame the cough mixture just yet though. The thing is that I bought a plug-in air freshner today, so It might have been that one which made me cough more.
I have unplugged it now, so we will see in a few hours if I feel better or not.
So I have yet another fun night filled with exciting stuff to do.
Play Mah-Jong on my computer for example...
Then there is also all the good tv I will keep up with...
And not to forget, drinking hot tea with honey and blowing my nose a lot...
Yes I do live an exciting life.....
I thought I would treat you to some "bloopers". Or "gags". Or "unseen fotage" from the last series of "Friends" that I am currently ploughing my way through.
I often love these bits as much as I enjoy a film/show...hilarius!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
In agony

Im in so much pain. It is killing me, I am coughing so much my chest is rattling. I have tried everything, drinking hot tea with lemon and honey, sucking on strepsils, coughmixture...Tomorrow I am calling the doctor I guess...But I dont know what reason to give, since before christmas I was told that I cant seek the doctor for just a cough...But I have now had this cold for a month and apparently that is not the norm...Even if I in the past have had colds on and off from November-April.
I went to my first work this morning, but had to cancel going to the school. Chances are we would have been playing outside in the snow. The stupid snow that wont go away! And there is no way I could cope with that. Or playing full stop, I feel I need to just sit very still, even just walking up the five steps that are my stairs takes my breath away completely.
I feel like I have been winded and I cant talk properly.
So the best thing for me is to stay indoors in the warmth with fluid and the Friends boxset entertaining me.
I havent got much energy to write, so I will keep this short and finish now.
Shal I play a song?
I found this on Youtube today, and remember when it first came out in 1998 or was 1999? I didnt have a clue what a bootie call was... I thought it had something to do with boots..but I loved the song.
Monday, 11 January 2010

Someone just sent me a poem...
I think it is lovely, but I am a bit dense about poetry, so maybe it is rude?
It is a little freaky, since I dont him that well...but I still take it as a compliment. I think.
Here it is, what do you think?
Taking liberty of new year.....
I look at you
So many curves in glorious symmetry
I wish I could trace it's imagery
Slowly caressing as to never forget
Your lips so full
A temptation to bite, nibble
A wanting to kiss and devour
Such a longing desire
Your hair shining like the black of night
A midnight passion
A breeze of seduction
Your eyes a world within a gaze
So sensual
Just one stare
It's so unfair
I get lost within you
Your hips wide
A wish to kiss
Side to side
I want to hold you slowly
Make you see I'm the one for thee
You're precious like a rose
Silk and smooth
Your body perfect in every way
Unique, simplistic
A reality
Beauty, sensuality, passion collide
Happy New Year
It probably wasnt written for me originally...."Your hair shining like the black of the night"....and everyone who knows me knows that I am platinum blonde...and it is my own colour, not from a bottle.
But still, it is nice.
Hope you have a good day all.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Here we go again....

I am ill again. I am coughing and sneezing. Probably due to the fact I stood outside in the freezing cold yesterday trying to get the poxy car to start.
I have spent the day in my tracksuit, even wore it when I went to my parents for dinner. My mum picked me up since she had been shopping and got some christmas decorations that was in the sale with an extra 50% off. She got me a cussion and some towels, I love being back home now, it means that mum will buy me little nick nacks that she thinks I will like (and I do like it, she knows my taste)
I am now home, watching "Click" with Adam Sandler, I didnt think I would like it, but so far it is very funny.
I hate being ill! It means I can't go to the gym tomorrow, which sucks since I have got into a good routine with three times a week. If I go to bed early tonight I might feel better tomorrow. So an early night tonight. Again. Wohoo. I do live an exciting life.
New song by Jay Sean, one of my favourite singers.
His songs makes me want to do naughty things, with naughty boys.
Hope you enjoy it.
Have a good night
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Caught in the cold

I am curled up in my arm chair with a steaming mug of green tea. It is terribly cold and I have not been able to get warm all day.
We took two of the residents out for a little drive and stopped at the shop to get some groceries on the way back. Alma went in to the shop whilst I stayed in the car with the radio and the heating on. Big mistake! When I tried to start the engine the battery was dead..How stupid can one get?
We called our colleagues who came to the rescue and jump started us so we could get home. We were only stuck for maximum half an hour but I was frozen to the bone.
I am slowly thawing now, the tea is really helping and the warm blanket I have wrapped around myself.
I will definately have an early night tonight and not stay up watching Friends til two am.
I might have a meeting over coffee with a carpenter tomorrow.
Just because I love this song and I like Mariah Careys version, not for any other reason.
Good night all.
Friday, 8 January 2010
New Job....

It has been a good day today I think... I called the big boss, who has been on leave all the time I have worked at the school, to see if I am working next week or not.
She said that she wanted to meet me and could I come in for an interview at 1pm today?
Uhm...yes I guess I can...
As soon as I put the phone down panick hit me like a sledge hammer. I was going on an interview!!! And had less than three hours to prepare myself.
It went ok, I did feel a bit intimmidated, Im not sure why, the woman is really short, but I find that short people are intimmidating, they have that "I need to make myself heard" aura about them that freaks me out...
So I have got myself a new job...it is a six months contract that will hopefully be extended to another six months.
I guess I need to show them that I can do this and that I am an asset to the team..
Which is what makes me so nervous I could vomit!
First shift was good, then off I went to job nr two which also went ok, we had cake since it is one of the residents birtday today.
It is bitterly cold now, the snow is crunching when you walk on it, which is nice, but I have had enough now.
Want it to be warmer and sunnier, basically.
I am working tomorrow morning aswell, so I better get myself ready for bed.
On my daily treck of You tube I found this...it was on "Rude Tube" the 100 clips with most hits on youtube in 2009....weird kid..with an amazing but weird voice....
I have a new job!
Thursday, 7 January 2010

I woke up feeling frustrated. I had breakfast and went over to my mums house, still feeling frustrated. We started to watch the boxset of Desperate Housewives series five, and still there was that niggly frustrated, annoyed feeling in my tummy and in my head. I finally realised why and it is because I am going back to work tomorrow and I feel unsure what will happen in the future.
Will I get the long term temp position? Or shal I carry on working part time and then study a bit more? What? What?
I am not very good with not knowing what to do....I dont like it...
I then went to bed and slept for a few hours before heading off to the gym where all the frustration and annoyingness dissapeared.
I feel calmer and more at peace now, and I think that whatever will happen, it will be the right thing for me. So there. I will stay positive!
I heard this song today, like it, makes me want to dance around in my underwear.
I can feel that this blog post is not really going anywhere, so I will finish off and do something useful. Or not, maybe Ill just sit and watch my christmas present Donna gave me. The complete series, Extended, Exclusive and Unseen: Friends.
Night all.
I just googled "frustration" to get my pic for the top and the majority of the pictures were of boobs......WHY? Are they so frustrating??
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Weekend in London

I am back home, in Sweden. The flight was delayed, then the luggage took half an hour to come through so it was gone midnight before I was home in my flat.
I have had a brilliant time. Seeing Donna again was great and her man is lovely.
They picked me up at Gatwick airport and then drove Donnas little Toyota Yaris to their flat. Donna cooked lasagne which I havent eaten since I came back to Sweden. So it was yummy yummy. We then watched tv (I demanded Eastenders, which I havent seen since April, so I didnt have a clue about what was going on, but aparently Stacy and Bradley are back together!!!!) and drank an awful lot of wine. Donna made up my bed and I slept like a baby.
On thursday (New Years eve) me and Donna went to Twickenham for a bit of shopping. The night before we had said that both of us were in desperate need of a haircut, so when we were in Army and Navy buying make-up we went to the indoor hairdressers and was lucky enough to both get an appointment.
It was the funniest hour and half I have had in a hairdresser, I tell you...
I was first to sit in the chair, she took the band out of my hair and said: "Hmmm, yes, your hair dont do anything for you does it? Look at the frizz, to get rid of the frizz you have to put some kind of product on the hair, but you dont do that do you?" And she looked at me very sternly, like a head mistress.... I could feel myself shrinking into the chair, wishing I had put a product on my hair...I dont know what product though...
She then cut it a bit too short and curled it...so I looked like my grannie when she had just had a perm...not attractive at all...
Then Donna sat in the chair and again she said: Hmmm yes, your hair does nothing for you does it? As she started to comb through her hair she nearly cried, she seemed to be in utter despair about poor Donnas hair, "Oh I dont know what to do with this, it is just SO DRY" She then proceeded to comb Donnas hair infront of her face and left her whilst talking to a delivery man, leaving Donna sitting with all her hair hanging in front of her eyes, looking like one of those sheepdogs with the fringe covering their eyes.
Me and Donna was nearly wetting ourselves as we ran out of the store to the pub where we ate a really nice chicken and shared a bottle of wine.
After a couple of hours we got a cab home, we only got a little bit lost on the way.
Once home I painted my nails, had a shower and straightened my hair. It turned out pretty good and my new top looked great aswell.
One of Sams friends,Ed, turned up and we went to the pub together. Donna had high hopes that me and Ed would end up in bed together, fall in love and then I would stay in England. Bless her heart. Me and Ed did not fall in love, neither did we end up in bed together.
New Years day we spent on the sofa, watching "Superman returns" (not "Superman flies again" as I first thought) Donna cooked a roast and we ate tubs of Ben and Jerry ice cream. The next day, saturday, we got on the train and went to Kingston for some more shopping. By this time Donna was becoming more and more poorly, she was snotty and coughing a lot, so after lunch Sam came to pick us up and we drove home.
Again we slumped on the sofa and watched tv. That night we decided to order pizza and finish off the Ben and Jerry icecream.
When Sunday came round Donna was really ill, poor thing. I borrowed her car and drove over to Sally and Alex and the kids to spend the day with them. Bronwen was in hospital with stomach pains (which turned out to be an inflamed apendix which she had removed yeasterday morning) so I spend a few hours in the hospital with her.
And yesterday I came home.
I have had a great time, I was spoiled by Donna and Sam and felt very relaxed.
Today I have taken all my christmas decorations down, done my laundry and been to the gym. I need to take control of my life again, I have been very lazy even if I was also ill..during the holiday period. So it was hard today, my muscles was screaming and I am now aching like I have never ached before, but it feels good at the same time.
I had plans of cleaning today aswell, but I am just too tired. I will leave it in a mess and do a very good job tomorrow instead. I am now relaxing infront of the tv, watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and giving myself a manicure. Tonight will be an early night aswell methinks.
It is good to be back home and get back to normal again. I am fed up with the snow, and now I want spring to make an apperance. I know I am never 100% satisfied.
I wont play a christmas song tonight, but I will play a song that was frequently aired on Viva and 4Music. It gets me in a happy party mood, so hope you enjoy it too.
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