I have a few busy days ahead of me. Tomorrow I start at 10 am with one of three parts of the English National test. It's not really something I can study for and I can't say that I am nervous, but I dont want to relax just because I speak fluent English. I am then rushing into my first work of the day to help cover the morning shift due to someone staying at home with a sick child.
As I finish at 4pm I will walk to my parents house (its only a fifteen minutes walk, if that) to pick up their car and drive to my next job where I will work till half past eight. On Friday I will work 7am-12 noon then 1-4pm and then I am hitting the gym for a much needed and well deserved work out, I might even use the sauna...?
Next week I have the last two parts of my English exams and the week after that I have the National Maths exam. National! It sounds so, big and important and intimidating. But Im thinking that if I just think of it as a normal test I will be fine.
I will do some extra shifts at work. Obviously. But I have promised myself not to over do it since I am finishing off the last study bits aswell, and I want to have a fun, reasonable relaxed lead up to christmas this year. Where I can enjoy the festivities and hanging out with my friends.
The christmas song of today makes me think about people who dont love christmas as much as I do, and the reaons why it is such a painful time for them. Last year I didnt get into the spirit at all, and I was so relieved when the bells rang out on New Years eve. But more about those thoughts another time.
I think about the people who are lonely or loose someone close to them at christmas and will always associate christmas with the pain of not having that person in your life anymore. I wonder if I myself will be that lonely one day, since I have no family. If I dont meet anyone to make a family with I will be alone after my parents passes over.
It really isnt something I think a lot about, it just pops into my head occasionally. So I have made myself a promise. That if I would be unfortunate enough not to settle down with someone, I will not force myself to work, but instead go away for the whole christmas and New Years period, maybe the whole of December.
Anyway, back to the christmas video of the day.
It is not a traditional christmas song, even though I think it is fairly famous, just not in this version I guess.
I love the lyrics, it makes me sad at the same time as happy, I hope you enjoy it too.
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