I need one of these to get around! It is translated to be a "kick" and you can go really fast depending on how hard you kick. It is like a chair on skates. My grandmother had one, she lived in the northern parts of Sweden where I spent many christmasses as a child. I remember sitting on the chair, my mum behind me, kicking for dear life and me shouting "Weeeeeheeeee"
It was such a great feeling, almost like being on a rollercoaster without straps.
Speaking of my grandmother, it would have been her birthday today, had she still been alive she would have been 109 years old.
Since she lived so far away, I only met her twice a year, so I cant say that I had a strong relationship with her, she died when I was eighteen and I was heartbroken and felt awful for not knowing her very well.
I still miss her sometimes.
The amount of snow is now definately annoying me, it took me an hour to get home on the bus! And I dont do public transport!! Busloads of smelly, wet, snotty people squeezed together spreading germs.
Now the weekend and holiday is settling, a whole week without work. Bliss! Then it is almost time for my trip to London and Donna! Feels like the year will end on a high note.
I once saw an interview with Cindy Lauper where she said that she didn't know why she became famous because she cant sing and her hair is horrendous!
There is a part of me that thinks her voice actually hurts me, it is so bad, but at the same time I have to say that it works, I think she is rather fab!
As for her hair, I will not comment.
Have a great weekend.
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