Thursday, 24 December 2009


Merry christmas everyone! It is christmas eve and I am as per usual ill. I can not remember the last time I was not ill at christmas. My throat is killing me, I am running a temperature and I am eating antibiotics.
But I am still happy.
Santa had been here with two little presents when I woke up, a body lotion by Nina Ricci and som eyelash recover from Estee Lauder.
I will soon have a shower and then slap on the lotion so I will be sweet smelling all day.

Me and my dad will have a movie marathon later, X-men 1-3 and Wild Hogs.
It will be a good day even though not traditional.
I hope you all have a fantastic day and that santa will find his way to you with many presents.

Merry Christmas!
Today I am playing you the same song twice, once in swedish and once in English.

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