I finally fell asleep around five this morning and slept til ten, when the phone woke me up. I have been feeling like death warmed up all day and I am not going to the party tonight, which sucks big time. I have been looking forward to it for such a long time and now I cant go. At the end of the day, it is for the best, I might get even worse and then have to spend the whole christmas in bed. And I dont think anyone would aprechiate me bringing my germs this close to christmas.
So I am home, watching "Bounce" with Ben Affleck (cute) and Gwyneth Paltrow (also cute but not my type). I am only watching it with one eye as my grandmother used to say.
And there is even more snow coming down, bored with it now. Why is it, that when you are working and HAVE to leave the house, all you want to do is stay in, lay in bed and read your book. But when you are forced to stay in, all you want to do is go out. I look in my fridge and see that it is empty and I feel the need to go and do some shopping. Even though I have plenty of food in the freezer and I just had dinner, so I dont actually need anything.
But I feel trapped and imprisoned in my own home. I will have to think about something else to do. Maybe write a bit on my book?
Or give myself a manicure.
This is my dads favourite christmas song, I think it is pretty good too and Mahalia Jacksson has an amazing voice. It really is christmas time now.
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