...tidy up, write my presentation, revise maths, hoover and put on some laundry.. Or possibly go out and buy some christmas presents even?
Instead I'm watching "The Holiday" for the umpteenth time, wondering how some people can decide "Tomorrow I am going to LA" and afford to buy a ticket there and then. Last minute tickets to LaLa land must cost a fortune from Europe..
I envy them a little bit, it would be nice to have enough money to not have to think twice about buying something you really wanted.
Then again, me and Sofie talked about a show that has just started this week on tv. "The real housewives of New Jersey" and we both agreed that we rather have our lives the way it is, than living with people like them. Who think that it is the mans job to earn the money and the wives job to look after the children and stay slim and gorgeous.
I would make enemies within an hour of living there...
Ok, lazy chillout time is over. I better get a move on. The christmas song of today is in a way a classic, at least for us growing up in the 80's.
I just heard it on the radio and it kind of hit a nerve, and brought me back to this time last year. Yesterday was His birthday, and, for some bizarre reason it was really hard for me. But then I heard this song and now I feel much better.
I hope you like it too. Have a good saturday.
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