I am back home in my little flat. It was weird to leave my parents house earlier and I can only explain it to the fact that for thirteen years there has always been a sadness to my leaving after christmas. But not this year. This year I am staying here, or actually I am not, I am going to London for new years, but I am coming back..
So christmas is over, officially anyway, although in my heart it is carrying on for another five days. The snow is gone and I am getting better, although I am still not 100% well. I broke out in cold sweats and was panting for air, just by walking to the car earlier.
I am exhausted since I didnt get much sleep last night either. I am not used to sleepless nights, tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I am not bothered about too much light or too much noise, I have even been able to fall asleep in a nightclub.
But last night, sleep was awol. I blame it on the book I finished reading in the early hours of this morning, when I for the fifth time turned the lights on...
"You've been warned" and it is written by one of my favourite authors
James Patterson, this time with Howard Roughan, who I have never heard about before. And I will blame Howard for the badness of the book.
It is NOT good. It is about a girl who take a lot of photographs, until she gets her "big break" she is working as a nanny for a wealthy family, where she is also shagging the father. She had a dream that she saw four gurneys being wheeled out of a hotel (a hotel where she gave birth to a baby boy when she first came to New York, we find out in the very last chapter) the gurneys each hold a body bag and she sees a hand coming out from one of the bags. From then on "strange things starts to happen", she sees, and talks to, her dead father, she talks to a police officer who it turns out is also dead... At one point she thinks there are millions of cockroaches in her wardrobe and freaks out.
The book ends with Kristin (thats her name) being back in the hotel, witnessing her "boyfriend" shoot his wives lover, the wife is slumped over the desk with a whole in her chest, BUT she is not dead(!!!!) Instead she manages to kill her husband with a letter-opener and also injure Kristin so badly she is thought of as dead, but not before she shoots the wife.
Then there is the dead police officer, who happens to be a "mingion" for the devil!! He "interviews" her, to decide which part of hell she should be placed in.
Because she is a bad bad girl who slept with a married man, and deserves to rot in hell! And then the book ends.
A load of rubbish!!! Dont read it, you might end up as wind up as me, and unable to sleep, because you are conviced the phone is ringing and when you answer it, there is no one there. (surprise surprise!) So I am hoping to sleep a lot more tonight.
In my own bed, with no homeless people rumagning in the attic.
Yes you read correctly.. My parents live on the top floor and in the winter months our local homeless people find their way up in the attic. Our landlord has told us to immideately call the police if we suspect them to be in hiding in the building.
I just cant get myself to do it. They dont bother anyone, it is not like they are in my bedroom, and it is sub zero at night. All they want is a bit of shelter. They dont break into our store rooms...so why should I call the police and have them kicked out in the snow?
That is just unnecessary cruelty in my opinion...
Shal I play a christmas song today? Even though it isnt really christmas? But as I said, it still is in my heart. So lets have a song. This one!
I am not sure if it is a christmas song or a "new year song", it was played on new years eve in SATC the movie....but it will soon be New Years eve...so I hope you enjoy it.
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